Vampire x Reader Modern AU (Leonardo) 2

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This is a commissioned piece that was requested by the wonderful Ashley. If you're interested in wanting a commission being done, please check out my main page tag 'Commissions' for further information on my Tumblr. 


Keeps The Doctor Away Part 2

He had asked you out for coffee, which you couldn't turn down even if a cute vampire nurse was asking you out on a date, his simple plan was something to get your heart fluttering and your stomach doing somersaults. Leonardo kept his texts simple yet sophisticated – as if the man was still trying to grasp the ideas of modern communications – your conversations always fetching and fascinating even when he struggled to text you back right away.

He was sweet and simple an adorable guy that made the thought-provoking thoughts of admiration washing over you again after a long time.

The evening before the date, you had been texting him nonetheless, taking into account your new diet that mixed with taking your iron tablets, the sizzling of the pan brought your attention that your steak was almost done.

Plating up your meal, you texted him your worries about what to wear, something so lacklustre but a concern for you that you didn't know how to dress. 'I think casual will do, it should be nice weather too.' Leonardo had texted you throughout that evening whilst you ate, his sweet and caring demeanour always showing through.

He had arrived there first when you arrived at the small bakery and café that was not even a 10-minute walk from where you lived: the bustling streets made the small café look secluded and cosy compared to the busy streets, a fitting aesthetic that you enjoyed a lot.

He was sat just by the door, his long honey-blond had been tied back into a low bun at the back of his head, his tawny-brown eyes seeming to scan something on his phone with a furrowed brow. When the door chimed and you entered to scan the nearly empty room, his concentrated face relaxed almost on command as the soft smile adorned his sharp features, before he stood to greet you.

His hugs were warm, cosy and lingering with sincerity, enticing. "It's been a while, hasn't it?" His voice was how you remembered it from that day you had come into the clinic, your stomach twisting with the familiar feels of a swooning schoolgirl with her high school crush. "I appreciate this though, it's nice to get to know you more.

"The same with you." He smiled gently as he leads you to the table he was sat at, "It's always good to get out of the clinic once in a while."

"This is your day off?"

"Indeed," he smiled sheepishly, "I'm afraid usually my day-offs are the weekends, but I never looked so much into it. Nor thought it was a bad thing."

You ordered your drinks and got a small bite to eat, not anything too sugary because of your diet – a cup of green tea and a small slice of a sugar-free almond bake. Leonardo got a simple espresso and a slice of red velvet cake that had an added ingredient to suffice him.

The slice of cake was a guilty treat, but the tea helped to keep your sugar levels down at the sluggish exterior at bay: having a good discussion with Leo about anything you could think of. You found yourself looking at him when he silently took the final bite from his cake, his much longer fangs came into view as his eyes made contact with yours before they darted away self-consciously.

"My apologies. I didn't mean to stare. You're just very... handsome."

He seemed taken back by your compliment, and you swore you wouldn't ever see a vampire's skin flush so heavily in embarrassment. "You are much prettier than me, I'm afraid." He laughed smoothly, keeping his composure as best as he could.

"How old—shit, I'm sorry, I know it's rude to ask a vampire their age." You averted your gaze when he gave you an inquisitive one back. "You're curious, that is normal. I've had everyone ask the most random of questions during appointments."

"Like what?" You chewed at your almond bake slowly.

He gave a nervous laugh, his eyes shifting as his voice quietened. "They're many assumptions made about vampires and their love for blood, especially around... fornicating." He stroked his knuckles thoughtfully, his cheeks rosy. "I believe they like to find kinks in many things."

"No—uh, I wouldn't ask such a thing, but I can see why that would get your head-turning." You smiled to yourself. "That would be rather embarrassing to answer.

"Indeed," he chuckled at that, his fawn eyes landing on you, full of what looked to be a mixture of mirth and appreciation. "As for your question. Well, I was born a year before my namesake."

"You mean da Vinci?"

"Precisely," he winked at you, your own cheeks darkening in colour, "but you didn't hear that from me."

The two of you continued to speak until you realised by the barista telling the two of you that the café was going to shut shortly and you were the only two left inside. You never realised how much time had passed when you were enjoying his company, having nervously leave as the two of you walked and left the area.

The two of you walked with the lights still high and the sun still bright and sunny, but there was enough for the day when you were tired and sore from smiling from ear to ear all day. "I can walk you home if you wish?"

You beamed a broad smile, "That would be most kind of you, Leo."

You had linked arms as you walked like a couple back to your place, your footsteps matching in pace as you guided him back, his focus mainly on your laughter if he made you laugh with a comment or joke. "This is mine."

"Yes," He began, his Adam's apple appeared to bob in a fleeting moment, his eyes shifting from your face to elsewhere as he tried to find the courage to find the right words. "I had a really good day with you today."

"So did I," you leant into his area closely, your shoes touching. "would you want to see me again?"

"Yes," he corrected himself as he spoke so suddenly, "Please, I would like to see you again sometime... maybe even for dinner if you wish. Italian or maybe... Netflix and pizza."

"That would be really nice, Leo. I like the sound of both of them." You beamed, watching his tawny-brown gaze look between your eyes and lips, biting the inside of his cheek briefly before he leant into your touch, capturing your lips timidly in a lovely kiss, his fingers tracing the side of your jaw, gingerly.

You pulled away to look into his half-lidded and taken aback stare, biting the inside of your cheek to stop yourself from pulling him taut to you and pulling him into your place with you. "I shall be seeing you soon then."

"Yes, I'll message you when I'm free for another date." He stroke your jaw more, as if he was memorising your features some more. "I hope you have a good evening."

You could allow him to leave so soon without another shy kiss to send him off, both your face's flushed with a rosy-tint of fondness.

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