Male Drow (Dark Elf) x Human! Female Reader

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Warnings: mild language and sexual references.


The Underestimated

Whatever way you thought it to end, you didn't think it would turn out like this. You were a simple healer's assistant: never the one to get the chance to try out for yourself in the arts of healing those ill and sick. You were simply there to bring in the supplies; herbs and trading from merchants for little profit.

You could describe yourself in different ways: a mercenary, rogue, a woman who little thought of with skills? You could say you were no cleric or wizard: but you could confidently list off every healing herb and its factors.

You could also fend for yourself, living on your own and travelling alone, you found yourself on survival skills and smart wits to get you out of dangerous situations. People relied on you for your help, but you could say you were one who didn't need many people around you.

You were never a people's person: always thinking about yourself when you were young, you lived most of your life alone until a new path to destiny was thrust into your life before you could protest.

You weren't doing this not just to make people get better, it was your job, yet, you still wanted that recognition from others from your aid.

Unfortunately, the people' s saviours fell to those who called themselves professional healers and doctors, and they were always in the spotlight for the work they performed; never the ones to thank the person who risked their lives to travel from one part of the realm to the next.

You knew it was selfish to think about yourself- it was part of the job - but sometimes in this world, it was better to rely on you and only you. When you stepped outside your well-know village into the perilous woods, you knew it was your priority to survive, nothing else.

That was why the forests around your village were dubbed 'The Woods Where No Men Lurk'.

But sadly, as another outbreak of a deadly virus spread, your well-known and beloved doctor spoke to you once again of the journey you had to face to bring in a certain supply to help.

You had thought him as insane when he told you to venture beyond the realms of men, past the human borders and into the realms of those not as gracious for our presence. Elves, Orcs and Faeries lurked within every crevice, waiting for pesky humans to pick off and jump, but what lurked in the darkness were far more feared by humans.

Dark elves who worshipped spider Goddesses wandered in packs, preying on those who they thought were weak and useless. It always made you shudder to imagine what they could do with your village of ill and 'diseased' victims.

Of all the races you knew of, you hated dark elves the most. Like their normal counterparts, they were arrogant, egotistical creatures who spoke ill of those in low regard. They thought of themselves as the ultimate high race. They certainly could fight though. You had learnt from others who had come into contact with them.

Nonetheless, with the risk at hand lying heavily over your head, you ventured forth at first light: going above and beyond all to help your village, even when you feared for what you would find.

That was where you found yourself now, beyond human territory: you were an outsider, a trespasser to some who could die a traitorous death if you landed in the wrong people's hands. You found yourself not so welcomed into the loving arms of the dark elves; finding you in their lands when you tried to turn round when you had what you needed.

Your hands ached with the rope bound around your wrists, twisting them to strain and redden when you tried loosening them. You didn't want to put up a fight against these elves; they were more hurtful than their lighter counterpart.

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