Magpie Fae Boyfriend 2

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Male monster x GN reader

One For Sorrow Part 2

Your flowers were dying: alongside your favourite apple tree, the ripeness wasn't there as much as they had been when they were so sweet to bite from. But you weren't surprised - the harvest had been awful this year compared to the last, leaving everything so bitter.

Your mother had seen you last when she had bitterly spoken to you through your aunt, the occasion had been something you didn't wish to go to, but the birthday of your cousin was where you had clumsily spoken briefly before leaving without a single goodbye. Your brief interaction had left you in tears during the car journey home; your tears recklessly leading you away safely.

When you got home, you had been found sat beneath the same tree, collecting at the dead seeds, watching the blanketed sky pass on by. You listened to the dead wind blow lifelessly around you, your name boundlessly floating endlessly when you tried ignoring it; the sounds of laughter and ridiculing you of your past sorrows and memories.

If you concentrated correctly, you swore you could hear the gentle name of your sister being repeated over and over again from a far distance. The gentle reminder that she was gone and you weren't.

"If you want to test my patience today, Ailmer, I would suggest coming out here and face me properly. Instead of hiding cowardly."

There was a fleeting second of stillness before the rising sound of what you had thought were planes flying over brought you to disappointment, your head craning back to see the black and white wings soar past as you were greeted with the presence of the fae standing adjacent to you.

"Cowardly? That is low even for you, angel." He had his arms crossed around his chest, his gold-copper eyes trained on you, judgingly and permanently surly.

"That's rich coming from the bastard who manipulates everything around me for their fancy." You snapped: God, the nerve of this man. Using everything he can against me even on the lowest of days. "If you're here to annoy me further, I would rather you leave."

"I wasn't going to do that."

You glanced back to him, observing him cautiously. "What the hell do you mean? If the wind manipulation wasn't you trying to gain my attention, what else did you want?"

Ailmer stretched his fingers, wringing them together, something you didn't realise the first time was that it was a sign of him being tense, anxious even. "I wish to only to see you, angel. Your company is all I want."

You squinted your eyes at his words in disbelief. "You're lying."

"I cannot lie. I am a fae, we cannot lie." Ailmer confessed earnestly, his arms outstretched as if expecting for you to leap into his arms in an embrace. You didn't even hesitate or reel within that moment, your eyes lingering on him longer.

"You heard me crying then?"

"I believe every creature of the wandering woods could hear your weeping, big and small. Your mother was cruel to you, wasn't she?"

You nodded cautiously, uncertain of your words. "She has always been cruel with her words. I'm used to them by now."

"Yes," begun Ailmer, "but the interaction you had was the worst, no matter whether words were spoken between the two of you."

Your bottom lip quivered momentarily, but you turned your head downcast, threatening yourself to not cry in front of him. "I wish to have a proper relationship with her, but... she has pushed that all away. I don't think I can ever have a good relationship with her again."

Your eyes landed on him, and when you saw him, that pain and sorrow turned into anger. "I don't care whatever she said to you for you to take her, I won't listen to it. You still took her, away from me."

"Sometimes the future can be more painful than the past, angel." His voice was low, hoarse as if he needed clearing his throat. You had stood up from your spot, facing him how a bull would face a red flag. "I want her back, I want you to give her back to me. You say you're so powerful, but you cannot bring her back... to me."


"Don't you call me that when you push and taunt me into madness!" You spat harshly. You were taking steps to him before you were standing in front of him, never realising how tall he was compared to you. His gaze on you was neutral, never showing any emotion, but your eyes had betrayed you.

"You fucking bastard, give her back to me! You stole her from me—please, it hurts, it hurts every day without her. Addie... I want to see my sister."

"I'm sorry," his voice broke, his hands gingerly lingering over touching you, "I cannot do it unless-"

You didn't want to give away everything you had, nor the last piece of freedom you had over your life and body, but you had spat your name so sourly as if the last piece of your identity didn't mean anything more to you. It wouldn't, no longer. "That is my name, it's everything you've wanted." You wrung your fingers into fists, your knuckles turning white. "I don't care what you do with me. Just promise me I see her."

The fae hesitated, carefully threading his fingers through your hair, his darkened nails raking through your scalp to the nape of your neck, gently and thoughtfully. "I swear it." He whispered your name once more over his lips delicately.

"Tehlmar... my real name is Tehlmar."

He cradled the back of your neck carefully, your heart pounding with not knowing what would happen next, the fear of the unknown had been replaced with the mere acceptance that swelled in your heart like the rising of a balloon, never stopping. He pressed a kiss to your forehead delicately. "For what it was worth, angel. I thank you."

You cautiously leant your head to rest against your chest, and instead of not hearing a heartbeat, you only heard the thrumming of what sounded like a constant pulsing that sounded like nothing you had heard before... it was almost like it was never there.

"No, Tehlmar... thank you."

In the stages, you had seen your garden and life grow without you being a participant, rather so an observer – distantly watching on in the seasons of forlorn and loneliness. 10 years, 10 years and your apple tree had flourished so sprightly.

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