Male Drow (Dark Elf Vevmis) x Human! Female Reader Part 3

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The Underestimated Part 3

The spiders dangled around the size of hounds in his dreams, watching with their many eyes in the void of their home.

Their home - his once - had been for his brothers, the blade for the morning shadow, he had fought with him for carnage, but now he was a traitor, stood beneath them with their fangs sharpened.

He was supposed to be here in the afterlife - or what was an afterlife in the eyes of his kind - yet Vevmis knew it as one, purple light softly glowing through the cave as whatever lurked grew close.

His sister was there, his mother too, all in shapes of spides, and the people he had known his long life too, some in the forms of arachnids and driders; some who had judged and betrayed him just as much as he had too.

His family and his blade stood before him in a circle, blades sharpened with the crimson crescent in the hilt. He had on their armour in shame and now dwelled where the light races did.

They did not speak to another nor to him, but the judgement was clear in their eyes at the way they looked down upon him. He was never like one of them; their black sclera and red eyes were one of the main reasons in contrast.

He was just surviving, surviving for all his life with the people who he didn't even feel pride for. His own blood - informers to one another - were no different from him.

Before him, the circle tightened, and he stood in their trial, awaiting their verdict. The ground dampened like water soaking through the soils, Vevmis could feel the black water seep into his bare skin, the ground shaking with every step of something.

Before him, the drider goddess stood before him in all her grandeur, the Mother herself of destruction and the presage of chaos, she crawled her way through to stand before him, eyes glowing with rubies attached above her many eyes.

"They speak of your verdict, Vevmis, son of Orgolldiirn. Your fate has been already sealed."

He had awoken to pain in his stomach and rainwater dripping in his eyes, he had scrambled and crawled away to hide and throw everything up in his stomach into the dirt; nothing but clear bile being there but the pain had disappeared.

His skin was raw and senseless, the cold of the outside was something he would be used to, but he and his companion had run out of coin easily and meant it was more difficult to find places above inns to stay in.

His obsidian skin was sweating as he fanned himself, coming back to the area they had been sleeping in, the fires numbingly bitter now that they were dimmed out.

From this angle, Vevmis could see you, sleeping soundly with no noise coming from you. He was lucky he had been trained in the art of stealth and you hadn't been awoken to him throwing up everywhere.

No, he didn't want to seem weak in front of you, that had happened already, and never again.

He had been exposed back then, and he didn't like that one bit, and Vevmis was always for himself and no-one else.

He ran his shaking hands through his silver tresses, wet from droplets but not enough to soak him to the bone. His dreams were vivid, and although elves of both dark and light in counterpart didn't exactly sleep the same way as humans did, he was certain that what he had had was more of a nightmare.

He couldn't stir away from the feeling of being watched, even now when he closed his eyes. It felt everyone was to be against him more so than they already were.

And now, he wasn't alone, he couldn't just run away and not think of it, he was with another mind and body, someone who thought just as much for survival as he did.

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