Vampire x Reader Modern AU (Leonardo) 3 [NSFW]

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{I will be moving this part so that it is close to the previous two}

Tags: pillow talk, male sub, marking, cuddling/spooning.

Words: 1,481

GN reader x male monster short fic (Modern au)


Keeps The Doctor Away Part 3 [NSFW]

The next few dates that came from seeing Leonardo were both fun-filled and entertaining, to say the least; the thrill that came from being by his side always brought the flutters to your stomach, the nice feeling of being cherished.

The dates varied from pleasant strolls hand in hand in the parks to evening meals at fancy restaurants, him surprising you at where you lived with a beautiful bouquet at your desk with a heartfelt note written in his handwriting.

Although the two of you got on well and shared bashful kisses, you had been appreciative that he hadn't done anything else without your consent or if you weren't ready.

Tonight would be different, and in your mind, you wanted to go all the way with Leonardo so long as he was comfortable to do so too. He was a timid guy and sweet, and you wanted to make sure he was certain too.

You had set your living room as the place your date would happen: the candlelit kitchen table you had arranged to be similar to the Italian restaurant's décor, the lighting and soft romantic music playing in the background as you finalised the steaks you had brought the same morning.

Leonardo smelt the food and you the instant he was at your front door, the sight of you alone nearly made him collapse: the cute summer dress you wore with your hair simple curled was simple enough but you had looked like an angel of the heavens that he had seen from Renaissance paintings.

"You look really good." He had hugged you, kissing at the side of your face first before giving a simple and short kiss in greeting to you, the chill that excitedly ran down your spine when his teeth grazed the bottom of your lip. Pulling away, you pretended to play it off as cool, trying to ignore that he must've sensed your fastening heartbeat.

"You look good yourself." You took him by the hand as you spoke about your days as you plated up: the bloodier steak for him with the inside still bloody, how he liked it. You ate with the music playing in the background as you ate like it had been any other normal date night, playing with each other's fingers on the side of the table.

When it finally came to sitting and relaxing for the evening, you decided to watch a film, knowing full well that it would become later on background noise.

Your kisses were welcoming and warm at first, before growing more and more experimental and passionate... inviting.

His fingers were roaming your hips and around your clothed flesh, his hands always remaining and only moving in circular motions, slowly. He groaned against your lips when your fingers moved and 'accidentally' ran over the growing tent of his bulge, pulling away suddenly.

His deep eyes searched yours for any hesitation, finding nothing but the readiness for him. "Are you sure?" His question was soft and careful, thoughtful like the way his fingers tucked a strand behind your ear. "I don't want to force you into anything if you're not ready."

"I'm ready, Leo." You exhaled shakily, your fingers coming to hover over the buttons of your dress, barely keeping the flesh from your thighs from being covered. "I want you."

"I do too." He gulped, his eyes roaming your face then body, slowly drinking you in as he gingerly touched at your hip. "May I kiss you again?"

You didn't respond, instead, you leant to capture his soft lips against you, taking his bottom lip in between yours, delighted by the surprising groan that came from his mouth. Your fingers roamed as his tongue explored the inside of your mouth, quivering at how his teeth grazed at you teasingly, accidentally or intentionally.

His fingers moved lower, dancing over your clothed breasts, your waist to the inside of your thighs, his body leaning into you as you fell backwards onto your couch, him coming to support himself as he settled in between your legs.

Your head keened backwards as you took the initiate, tugging at his blond locks and freeing it from the bun he supported, before threading your fingers through and tugging softly. Leonardo groaned aloud, his neck in access to you as you moved away to press heated kisses to his neck and further down his chest, finally understanding and removing it to reveal his torso.

His skin was pale and blemish-free like his face, his body not too skinny but not muscular, lean and tone. You continued with your gentle marking of his skin, relishing in the way his pale skin lit up and reddened with the marks you had made.

"Darling--- oh!" He moaned your name as you began rolling your hips into him, enjoying the way the bulge in his pants felt amazing against your clothed sex, gyrating into him as much as possible, both breathing heavily into each other's mouths as you continued making out on your couch.

Leo was the one to pull away from you, his fingers came to unbutton at the front of your dress, revealing the red-set of lingerie you had picked out for him, watching how his eyes lit up with excitement.

"You're so beautiful." He marvelled softly, taking your breast into his hands as he kneaded it softly and tenderly, kissing down your neck and towards the valley. "I am blessed."

You continued kissing him deeply and your movements didn't stop for a while until you decided to take it to the bedroom, and having Leonardo laid out for you with his blond hair splayed out like a halo around his head, it was true beauty in this world.

"Ah, oh, darling!" His head fell back onto the pillows as you took his cock further into his mouth, enjoying how it twitched and his body lightly rocked the closer he got to coming undone. "I'm—coming-"

You pulled back with a smack of your lips, licking yourself of the salvia before he could cum in your mouth, a desperate whine leaving his lips as he laid helplessly and pitifully on your bed. "What's wrong, pretty boy? You didn't get to cum?"

Leonardo whined louder, his hand wandering to come to touch at his neglected cock, but you had smacked him away playfully, coming to sit on top of him, your unclothed sex inline with his stiffening cock. "Please, oh, I need you so much."

"And you can have me." You shifted to your bedside table, pulling out a condom and ripping the packet, before rolling it slowly down his long shaft, the vampire beneath you was whining and begging softly to you now in what didn't sound like English, maybe even Italian or Latin?

You sat back down on him, guiding his cock into your glistening folds and letting the head enter you, the two of you moaning at the feel. You sunk lower onto him until he was buried at the hilt, his body shuddering, slowly rocking his hips up into you.

You rolled your hips as you took the reins, sinking up and down on his cock until you began gaining a steady rhythm, the sound of skin on skin slapping, soft moans and cries as you fucked him on his cock. "Oh, darling," he found your breasts again, rolling them in between your fingers. "You will be the end of me."

You continued as fast as you could go, having him aid you as he guided you up and down on his length with his hands around your hips. "I'm so close... oh caro, I'm going to cum, darling." He stuttered over his words, before screwing his eyes tight as his body stiffened, the warm feeling washed over you as he came, you finally finishing after him.

You rolled off of him and onto the side, his body instinctively coming to cradle you from behind, his arms wrapping around both your naked bodies, pulling you flush. "Darling... that was amazing."

You kneaded your head into his neck, enjoying how his body went so flush against the back of you. "What language were you speaking earlier? It sounded so beautiful."

You couldn't see his face when you asked him, but Leonardo's grew reddened at the compliment. "Italian is my mother tongue. I guess it's been a while since I've spoken it."

You enjoyed him speaking, how he spoke about his past. "You should speak more of it. I like hearing it a lot."

Leonardo hummed thoughtfully, the warm smile appearing on his face as he snuggled deeper into you, hearing at the way your heartbeat began to relax and slow down, soothing yourself into a state of relaxation and sleep.

Leonardo continued to spoon you, purring tenderly in your ear as he felt calm to a state of ease.

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