Stingray Merman (Kairius)

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There is something about stingrays - or sea pancakes - that are very cute, so I wrote a stingray merman that was supposed to of been done during the month of May for Mermay! Oh well! Stingrays are very curious creatures, and so is this adorable boi. Enjoy!

Male monster x GN reader

A Curious Encounter 

The storm had been troublesome, you had realised now: the dreary morning you had come out to walk along your beach was the proof that somethings were left in tatters; the storm of the season that had ruined everything in its path.

You walked through the dampened sands in your sneakers, a well-needed precaution you had decided in choosing carefully had the aftermath been calmer. The coastline had been strong in taking the storm for the entire night, but now, it was rather captivating seeing the wreckage.

You walked down from the short incline of rocks and descended further down to see the beach you had been coming to since you had been young. The shore was weak and fragile; debris and waste that had been swept ashore; a tragic sight indeed.

In the ruin, the shore was littered in aggregational carnage; the sea had brought forth some animals big and small, most of them lost to the wreckage. Your heart ached with those animals and creatures, had you been able to save them, you would've done it in a heartbeat.

The sand was troublesome in getting out of your shoes, but the feeling of it you didn't mind really: had you the time, you would perhaps spend as much time helping to clear up with the locals, or even try and find some shells for your younger cousin, Evie - an avid and caring animal lover like you, she would've been overwhelmed at this all.

Let's hope some of it had been cleared by the afternoon. I don't think any child shall want to see this. You mourned drearily, moving off from the site as you moved away further to a secluded area - the area where the land dipped and gave you great access to the views of the sea, watching the water roar beneath you in its glory.

The rockpools had all sorts of creatures that you loved trying to find when you had been young, and you had taken Evie with you to find all sorts of things that had been washed up: a four-limbed starfish that made Evie squeal, part of an earring that you made a story of it belonging to a rich 17th pirate, shells of all colours and shapes.

You hopped along the rocks, carefully descending to where the cliffs reached high and the walls surrounded below if you wanted utter privacy or peace. Below, the waves crashed back and forth, as if angry for the loss of life too that had been taken. Carefully, you listened in, feeling how you calmed with being around the waters, in the blacked sands, watching the world go past around you-

There was a splashing sound that reverberated and bounced off not too close from you, too human that made you doubt it could be anyone out there. People came to this beach - there was no question about that - but it was way too early in the morning for visitors. No children or people came out here this early to explore - you had known this for years.

The splashing maintained, as if someone was trying to get out a bathtub and the water and spraying and going everywhere, swaying, it brought you to come closer, following the noise, bracing the walls as you found yourself coming into the clearing of where most of the largest rockpools where.

The walls were sable and solid matte in colour, shining off they cast the opposite colours of the gloomy sky above; the waters rippling and tranquil.

You scanned each pool from where you could see, believing that your hearing had made you hear something that couldn't be there, the waves tricking you. As you turned once more to leave, the sound came from behind you, coming from the furthest one from you; as if begging for you to come to investigate.

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