Male Tiefling Burlesque Dancer

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Long chapter ahead, may have to break it into two parts.

Warning: Some mild language.

Words: 4k

Male monster x Asexual Female Reader (Modern AU)

Bourbon High

It was vibrant and red outside, the strange feeling that settled when you looked at the neon sign flash above in your eyes was the steady reminder that you weren't feeling comfortable enough to be here.

Surely, it was a joke? You had to be when you were standing outside the infamous club of crimsons and blues; the siren luring her 'victims' from her rock above the door, her tail splashing against the simple wave line art.

"Oh, guys? I think the Bliss Bar is around the corner."

Your friends: Cato, the 6'7 foot tall cream-coloured minotaur with sturdy arms and uproarious laughter and Luken, the snappy harpy who's feather was just as eccentric as his clothing – where the ones who had planned your 21st so carefully and crucially that they didn't want you having any actual clue as to what they had planned.

It was only when you were standing outside of the pleasure district of the city that you realised there was something to this all that felt all too dubious.

"Oh no, we're at the right place." Luken glanced back to you, his toothy smirk grew across his face, the glee dancing in his eyes. "Have you been to the Siren's Rouse?"

"No, isn't it... a strip club?"

"What, never been before?" Cato bellowed a strident laugh, hugging your side tightly. "Only the best place to go for the best dancers in the city! Feast your eyes, we're in for a treat."

"Guys... you don't have to, I think I'm underdressed for this place."

It was certainly not a place you would go down in the middle of the day: the people walking around seemed to look at you with odd faces, some unconvinced, some judgemental, and it didn't help to make you feel like you were sticking out like a sore thumb.

You didn't know whether the bubbling concern you had for being here was for what you thought you looked like or for why you had been here. Your friends were known for joking... they couldn't possibly be dragging you in here, could they?

"C'mon guys, stop fooling around." Your laughter was apprehensive, crossing your arms to shield what little you had covered still - the black cami top was what Luken had picked out for you that was deemed appropriate for going out for such an occasion. Both males looked between one another, confused, before their smiles spread back to their faces; their laughter airy.

Cato was the first to grab you by the wrist enthusiastically. "You think we wouldn't celebrate your birthday in style? Come now, the birthday girl needs her gift!"

Before you could protest your concerns and needs for going to somewhere a bit tamer, you were whisked off inside, past the velvet red curtains and the red carpet beneath your feet to be bewildered by everything.

Your eyes adjusted horribly to the swift lack of light and the blaring ones above you sparkling; your eyes widening as you took in the sight of exposed skin everywhere. Women and men, dancers surrounding the stage and around the bar, dancing so fluidly with the music that blared with explicit nature, their movement effortless.

Their skin was glowing, their bare flesh was cladded with little to no clothing, all eyes of hungry customers watching as if they had come to the best buffet in the city.

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