Red: Succubus [NSFW]

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Warning: Warning: Femdom, orgasm denial, male submission, use of buttplugs, bondage, a bit of sadism.

A/N: this is so disgustingly sinful, I don't even know where this came from. Forgive me for I have sinned.

Female monster x human male


She had made red such a pretty colour, but she had made any colour look so good, taking fancy into such wanton. The simple colour held so much meaning and symbolism but she was all of the things that revolved around them; passion, blood, danger.

The danger and thrill of having such a creature that exuded the power not just through her eyes, but her stance, the way she swayed in the candlelight like a fancy illusion – the darkest of fantasies that now stood before you more than just an enigma.

She was the embodiment of red: the tallest of upmarket wine in an hourglass chalice, the finest of goddesses that had plated any man's dream with the flight of fantasies; she had been one to you. A terrible, terrible dream.

"Oh baby, look at you," her voice was soft but it held the twist of a knife in the stomach, her languid gaze upon you as you fell apart below her, "all wrapped up and ready for my invitation."

"Hnggh," you had groaned against the bonds, and indeed, the succubus had wrapped you up in a neat little bow of rope that she effortlessly had tied around you in expertise without even having to lay a finger on you.

The unfamiliar yet exhilarating feeling of her grip around your cock had you weeping from the head, your eyes covered from what you could imagine only her reactions being of condescendence in her cat-like eyes.

The was another hand that came across your face and the burning sensation that fled your flesh afterwards, the rush of heated flames that fell off your skin as if she had burnt you. A reminder, simply.

"Use your words, baby, you have a mouth for a reason." Her grip upon your chin was unyielding, her stiletto nails digging into the flesh as you squirmed in your bonds. "What is it you want to say?"

"I—Cahrriane, pl-"

Her fingers dug in deeper, and you could feel the seeping of blood that trickled. You panted, the air was stale and thin, but you quickly corrected yourself. "Mistress."

"That's a good boy."

Her smile was cutting and pleasing with her gleaming white teeth sharp and ready. "You're already so eager for me." she purred, her touches light against your skin as she moved the one from your face to hover over her mouth, tasting and licking up the blood of your skin, "A delicious sight."

"Mistress, please." You whined and struggled to get yourself out of your bonds, trying to get any feel of her hands around your cock, your hips trying to desperately snap up with the little restriction you had. "I need you."

"You need me, dearest?" Cahrriane kept her amusement clear on her face, from the way her merlot tinged skin and her tumbling black tresses that fell to her waist, the woman was all devil than a godsend, but she had been tempting and wicked for you to love every second of being under her finger.

The succubus continued with her torment, her grip loosening just enough for you to whine out again in a pitiful plea. "You want me that badly? You want my cunt, or do you want me to fuck your little hole again like last time?"

She said it so indifferently, but her words were like the same vices you had been trapped in. Her fingers prettily wrapped around you and you jolted at the touch of her warmth, begging once more. "Go on then, little cockslut, fuck yourself and be quick about it."

You didn't need to be told otherwise, using her hand around you as you lifted your hips up and down in a frantic need to have a release, moaning and whining and growling as you tried to catch your climax, but found to no avail, when Cahrriane would loosen her grip slightly around you or tighten it that it wasn't the perfect feel, but you knew that her torment would lead to success if you could cum.

"Go on, baby boy, fuck yourself around my fingers, I can feel how much you're twitching like a bitch in heat." Cahrriane was smirking, watching idly as you continued with your restricted movements. Concentrating as much as you could to reach your orgasm, the sweat building as it trickled down your forehead and bare chest, your legs spread to allow Cahrriane to sit right in-between you as she watched; trapped in despair and hopelessness.

You could feel the knot beginning to unloosen in your stomach, biting your lip so hard that you were withering and chanting hopelessly to yourself about how good she felt, the word mistress a prayer dancing in the dimly-lit room.

You were getting closer and closer to coming undone, the desperate feel of the ache in your skin was building to feel unbearable, but you were feeling eager and sore, wanting to be emptied that your mouth was eternally hanging open in an 'o' shape.

For the first time in a while, you would be coming undone from a high that would leave you far more than grateful.

But it never came.

Instead, the grip around your cock was released and you crashed back onto the bed with an exhausted wheeze, trying to see through your blindfold for the succubus. "What?-"

"I think we're finished here." Her sultry voice was both close but far in the corner of the room, her lingering touches once around you disappearing as if she had not been there, your confused whine of deep frustration coming through, "But... but I didn't cum."

"I'm aware." With a click of her fingers, the blindfold around your eyes disappeared, fluttering in the wind and dissolving like ashes in the intense air. You could see her now, in the dim light, hovering over you with the yellows of her eyes bold and bright. "But I'm not done with you yet."

Your eyes widened at the sight of what she had been holding in her hands, the same thing she had used time after time, your cock-stiffening and weeping at the sight. "You're--- Mistress?"

"Be a good boy and shut up, or I'll have to make you a gag for you next." She smiled simply, her fingers digging into the inside of your thigh, and when you whimpered, her smile widened. "Good boy."

The shape of it was wide and long, and she placed it at your hole with little to no thought as you continued to squirm, silently begging how you had been good and just wanted to cum. "Oh, but you will, but you'll have to be quiet for a bit."

Your mouth fell open and you cried out when it entered you, the lubricant she had created out of thin air had helped, but the stretch – oh, the stretch had been terrifyingly wonderful.

Your fingers curled around the rope around your wrists, wriggling and begging in your spot with the new toy in your hole. "Remember, be quiet, I'll know if you haven't."

"W-Wait, Mistress!" You had tried calling out to her when she had given your balls a final slap, turning away to leave the room when instead, she simply disappeared through a puff of dark thick smoke, leaving your desperate calls for her and whines to leave the lonely room with you on your lonesome.

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