Alien Captain Boyfriend (Sorloith) 2 {NSFW}

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Warnings: some language, commander/cadet relationships, praise kink, spanking, edging, blowjobs, female dom.

Male monster x female human (OC)

2619: Deliverance Part 2

"Doesn't the Captain seem... weird lately?"

"How so?"

You rolled over to face Rena, facing her where she sat on the end of your bed. "Just think lately he's been a lot more... docile." You didn't want to admit that you noticed the change too, but for the last few weeks after joining his squad, Sorloith Qhundin had gone from demanding to... reluctant.

You chortled at her words, gaining her attention further from your delay. "I would have to disagree. He's been relentless."

"On you maybe, but, I think there is something that he likes about you." There was a questionable look that danced in her eyes, one that made you question her words, "You're a rookie, but I don't think I've ever seen him go so easy on one in the past."

"Maybe the favouritism is just exuding out of him since I joined."

"Adaaah," She drawled cheekily, and you knew from the look alone she gave you that she was going to say something completely outlandish, "I think you're not telling me something."

"—What do I need to say?" You asked, trying to control the amount of blush that dusted your cheeks.

"That you like the Captain."

You were too slow to retort something, instead, muttering to yourself that gained the glee to come from your friend. "I knew it! I mean, who doesn't anyway? He is hot."

"Rena!" You hissed, trying to ignore the other looks that were stolen your way from the small outburst. "You can't say that."

"What? He is though, he's a fucking sex god. When the other trainees aren't shitting bricks in front of him, they're living out their fantasies either wishing to top him or let him top them."

"I can't believe I'm hearing this. He's our superior." Not only could you not believe that you were hearing such things about the other cadets and their pleasures, but you couldn't believe that you were too wishing you wouldn't be called out. "You can't tell me that you don't find him attractive?"

"Well," You drawled thoughtfully, outweighing your words and whether you should admit to something, "he is handsome, but that's beside the point! It's not like he would want time for a relationship anyway, even with a cadet."

"You'll never know, the captain seems open to anything and I do not doubt that there is something he's hiding, or even feeling-"

"Rhodes, to the Captain's office." Kdani had come running through the large room towards you with large strides, his presence overpowering when he stood so stiffly in front of you. He seemed exhausted, maybe even irritated.

"Ah, c'mon, can't you get someone else to do it. I got the evening off."

"Captain's orders, he seems frustrated with something so I have no doubt he needs your aid," he gave a low groan, his posture becoming riled, "well, quickly now."

"Save me some dinner when I get back, will you?" You asked Rena, who had rigidly put back on her boots at the corner of the bed. She silently agreed, before heading away to who you assumed were some of her other friends, before you moved out and past Kdani.

"You might be able to ease his tension – however, you do it, I'll be impressed. Rookies like you can be eaten up by him."

You tensed, regarding the Zadanian slowly. "Of course, Sir. I'll try my best."

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