Koi Merman (MERMAY) x Female! Reader [NSFW]

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Warning: Mating seasons, dry humping, dirty talk.

Made Undone

Your fingers curled through spun gold-silver locks, running through them as the male above you quivered greatly, his movements never stilling. "If you do that again, my love, I will be close to coming undone."

You beamed at him, droplets of fishpond water trickling down your forehead as you felt his hips snap to yours feverishly. "That's the point."

Lochlan's large tail of whites, oranges and blacks swayed through the water behind him, rutting into your open legs, keening forward as you pulled him closer to him.

"You know, if you only let me help you, this mating season would go past quicker." You murmured, chewing your lip when he grounded his slit into you at a certain angle; your toes curling in the water that waded through you, soaking the back half of your clothes that you still wore.

"I don't want to pressure you into anything," Lochlan moaned softly as he gyrated his lips deeper towards yours. "Nor do I want to press you into taking my seed, and have my kin."

You smiled sweetly and innocently as possible, raising your hips quick enough to bring him in closer, a divine cry of pleasure and a curse from you and a grunt from him brought you to surprise. Lochlan's eyes of chartreuse were fully dilated, staring you down in knowing what you had done in regards to his words. "You sly minx-"

"Tell me what you want to do to me." You began huskily in his ear, "Tell me what you want to do with me."

"I... I want to fuck my seed into your womb," he gritted his teeth, and you could feel the slickness pouring beneath your inner thighs. By now, the full length of his cock was unsheathed, grinding against you fiercely. "I want to breed babes into you until you're big them, taking my cock so good."

Lochlan's hips snapped wildly into yours, his koi tail swishing and splashing up water against the two of you, raining pleasure down on the two of you. "It would feel so good to cum inside of you, to spill my seed and watch you take it so well."

"Yes, yes, Loch, you're doing so well." You sang, leaning your head back as he pressed feverish kisses to your flesh. "Cum for me, my dear, please."

Lochlan's movements stilled suddenly, his eyes wide as they screwed shut, moaning through his orgasm as he came undone, his cock spilling his pearly cum between your legs, rutting the final parts of his orgasm out with a spent moan. When he had pulled back, there was a stickiness to your flesh, your underwear slick with your own desires and lust.

You were still laying back when you heard him push himself off and back into the water, and when you felt his delicate fingers along the outside of your thighs trailing up, you lifted your head to him.

"That was incredible, my love, truly." His fingers came to tug on the hem of your underwear, pressing his fingers against your covered sex, as you shuddered greatly at his nimble digits.

"Allow me to make it up to you."

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