Male! Vampire (Ezekiel) x Human Reader 2 [NSFW]

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Warning: spanking, dirty talk, orgasm control, psychological play. Long chapter ahead! 


A Night To Die For Part 2

It didn't seem so bad, living with a 330-year-old man, in his strange and gothic manor, but you didn't want to admit that you were a sucker for odd people.

Ezekiel was melancholic, and wherever he fluttered, he would bring this sombreness with him; followed with the flutter of his cape, the towering presence could overwhelm or intimidate anyone, but just not you.

Maybe a long time ago, but not anymore.

"So, what happens if you go outside when the sun is out?" You questioned, helping Ezekiel with rearrangements in the Blackwood Manor library; a large area that held the decadence and elegance of his home.

"The sun isn't too kind of my skin, I'm afraid," Ezekiel stated, a stack of leather-bound books that he carried with ease. "I would simply just catch on fire, my body turning into ashes for an urn."

"Oh, right." You let a small laugh out, bringing the light eyes of the vampire to look back on you. "Why? You seem... displeased by this notion?"

"Oh, it's just... I thought vampires sparkled in the sunlight."

Ezekiel gave you a bewildered look, eyebrows raised across his pale face, the thought simply seemed comical in the sight. "And where on Earth did you get that assumption from?"

Mr Valentine of the Blackwood Manor was surprisingly a droll man when you got into a conversation with him that intrigued him or he was interested in knowing more of.

It didn't help he was hauntingly beautiful to look at, and sometimes you caught yourself staring at him when he was doing tasks or stuck to be by your side during the day; in the long hours of the dower rooms.

His ice-cold eyes could thaw out you realised, but how it seemed preposterous and extremely risky on your behalf, but the man always seemed to find a place in your dreams, the part of your subconscious you hid with desires and fantasies played out with him always there to satisfy you so good. The image of him above you like a looming shadow, pumping in and out of you with fury to completion, hoarsely moaning your name as he sinks his fangs into your neck.

You believed they were so real; your hand in-between your thighs to help ease the tension as you whimpered his name to fulfilment.

The mellow tune of the piano keys could be heard this gloomy evening until the early hours of the mourning, where you found your body resting with no evidence of you wanting to sleep, desperate for it as you pleaded for peace. Still, it didn't come to you.

You found yourself swinging our legs off the bed as you carried yourself out of your room to follow the music down the stairs; wondering what he would do if he found you up at this dreadful hour.

You found yourself in the large hall, the crimson curtains pulled back to let the moonglow pour through as the only light, shining down upon Ezekiel as he played the melancholic tune with such graceful fingers, gliding across the keys with such theatrics of a performer on stage; it hadn't been the first time you had heard him practising to perfect the song.

"Have you picked a name for it yet?" Your voice bounced along the pillars as his fingers stilled on the next notes, his eyes lingering longer on them as he placed relaxed his posture slightly.

"Levis Momenti," his voice was a warm timbre as he finally looked out to the window beside him, staring out of his garden of statues. "What does that mean?" You teased softly, coming over to him until you were at least a few metres to him.

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