Rakshasa Girlfriend: Zarita 2

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Female monster x female reader (OC)

The Lioness of Maetrine Part 2

"My little Queen," Zarita's voice was deadly soothing, brushing your hair out of your face with a free paw. "Oh, how much I have missed you."

"Zarita." Your voice was steadily cool, ignoring how your heart jumped a step ahead of you when you felt the blade press into your throat. "Would I need to question how you escaped?"

"Your guards are slow and old, I'm afraid. Whilst they were distracted by the onslaught of my group, they were too busy up top, not below in the cells, watching," she gave a low chuckle, melodically raspy. "It was easy to slip past."

"Yet despite these odds, you have not killed me yet," you murmured. "Or have I mistaken this all?"

"My friends have raised their defences, the siege on your little capital has already begun." She pulled you taut to her chest. "They have only asked of one thing."

You snorted, "For my head?"

"No, though they may find that suitable to end this skirmish," she chuckled. "They ask for you and only you, my little Queen, alive and unharmed." There was a feeling of pulling you close to her chest, your back pressed up, keeping you from lashing if the threats got worse. "I will not let them get to you."

You squirmed in her grip, wary of how the sword pressed into your throat further, "I beg to differ."

"You think I am not an honest one? I am hurt, Your Grace," Zarita purred low against your ear. "My countrymen aren't so loyal, you see. They can change their minds like the flip of a coin. So vile and dishonest. They will tell you they keep your safety whilst backstabbing you in a bed you think will protect you."

The blade at my throat tells me otherwise. "You're telling me you are attempting to drive me away from your people just so you can save me? In a highly fortified castle, my guards are out defending for these walls to remain high, but you think you can whisk me away without a soul noticing?"

"I am more than quick, little Queen. I can always knock you out, easy to travel," you whimpered at the suggestion before she added. "With the right remedy, of course."

"What will you do with me?" You questioned. "Since you wish to keep me away from both our people?"

There was a pause, the heavy toll of the bells that rung mournfully for your capital, the sound of cannons and swords clashing, the fear that your countrymen were dying trying to protect you, not knowing you were easy to reach. "I can be of some help, perhaps if you will allow me," Zarita compromised. "Perhaps even a personal knight."

The laugh that came from your parted lips was unexpected and startled both of you, promptly continuing with what you had thought, regardless of what your situation was. "That is like having the jewel thief be head of protecting the crown jewels. Do you think your proposition will be allowed for your attempt of assassinating me? Or so... how will your proposal go for the people of my council?"

"Rats," Zarita hissed smoothly. "Men are rats and born to fester, to plague your lands. Like your old father, he was blind to be guided by fools and he will lead his own daughter to be driven to chaos by foolish men too."

Your father had registered the best of men from around Ereon to help lead you to the best of wisdom. All ranging with many skills, the only issue you found was that they had been around your father's age or even older, putting ahead what were old beliefs and acts that would please the people and lands regardless if you thought otherwise. New things needed to cut the old out, you always thought... but something like this seemed preposterous.

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