Alien Captain Boyfriend (Sorloith)

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Male monster x female human (OC)

2619: Deliverance

You wanted to believe that there would be an opportunity for peace, but how could you expect that when you were surrounded by the many loud voices and murmurs that fogged your mind from getting some needed rest?

You could hear footsteps enter and leave the large bunker for cadets that you are shared with so, unfortunately. The sounds of loud to light footsteps, shuffling and distant words were spoken, it became rather irritating after a few minutes when it came to having your short rest.

Another set of footsteps echoed as they came into the room after, distant noises hushing as you kept your eyes shut, believing that for once, you would be able to sleep for a little, before the steps came to a halt when they rose in noise and were coming closer to your small cot, eventually halting.

"Rhodes, east wing, you're needed." One of the fellow team captains were making rounds through the quarters of sleeping and resting cadets, before ending at the end of your bed, tapping you on the side of your foot with their spade-shaped tail.

"Sir," you addressed hoarsely, grabbing your jacket that hung just behind your head on the bedpost and groggily trying to come round to your senses. "Where am I to be posted?"

"A meeting in the mess hall, be sure to get there on time. You're all being arranged jobs. But perhaps you should be having with your captain, I am preoccupied elsewhere."

"Sir." You saluted, paying no mind to whether he acknowledged it as he left to wake further cadets and recruits around you, but you gave little attention as you laced your boots and fastening your jacket before hurrying out.

You were a rookie cadet who had joined fresh to the army of Rana: the elite soldiers used to help maintain order and control throughout the entire galaxy. In your eyes, they were everything you had ever wanted to be when you had been younger, finally coming to terms that maybe, the soldier life wasn't exactly great.

Sure, the pay was adequate, but the food and surroundings could get messy, as well as your training. Eight months of training as cadets, before you would be addressed and sorted into groups for new teams and hopefully a job you could have to make you and your family proud.

The mess hall was dull but filled with voices of many by the time you arrived, with different cultures and races that congregated and mingled with few troubles. It was rather incredible to see and witness. You passed one of the tables before a long muscular arm blocked your way, halting your movements before you could register it.

"Rena, if you want to give me a heart attack, please be sure to send me to the infirmary promptly after."

"Always good to keep you on your toes – or whatever Kdani quotes." Rena could've been regarded as human by anyway at first glance, but the obvious stripes that decorated the majority of her body were what made her stand out. Apart from her height, of course. God – she towers over everyone. She had her deep sepia skin visible out in a grey tank top with her robust arms on the table, the jacket discarded to the seat beside as she gave room for you. She had already been sorted into the gunner category, having a well-sorted career ahead of her, whilst you and some of the fresh lot were still lacking permanent jobs. "I swear he likes to copy the Captain Qhundin."

That name was familiar in ways that you couldn't help but still in thought. Captain Sorloith Qhundin was one of the squad leaders that lead the Storm Chaser pilots; a dedicated Captain who everyone both loved and feared in the same light. It didn't help that whenever you saw him from his campaigns and speeches, you were buckling of the knees and struggling to breathe, utterly taken by how brave and strangely mysterious he was. It brought you to think of him more than you realised or could admit.

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