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So, I found out that jellyfish can reproduce using two different body forms: medusa and polyps. Whilst Polyps can reproduce asexually through 'budding', medusae spawn eggs and sperm to reproduce sexually. My jellyfish uses both male and female organs but uses they/them pronouns.

Relationship: gn monster x f! reader


Through bated breath, the water acted as protection towards your body. It guarded you from the cold, your body reacting intensely to the cooling waters.

You let out a sigh mingled with a shudder of the elements, eyes languidly taking in the shallowness of the pools, casting the purples and blues of the skies above. It soaked you through to the bone, with the upper part of your clothing clinging to you uncomfortably.

A slither of something pressed against your upper thighs, startling you. Feather-light and velvety, its sliminess was a reminder to you of the pleasures you were receiving.

"You're quieter than usual?" A faint voice came from below you, hushed by the way their mouth clung to you like a suction, sucking lightly on your clit.

You sighed in bliss, rolling your head around as you took in the creature in front of you. Beck was as lovely in colour as they were with their touches: a flush orange hue that spread across their entire body, their beady dark eyes were typically hidden by the large bell or hood.

They touched you with their human hand, intertwining with yours gently, their tentacles slick and moving along your body experimentally.

"I was just enjoying the moment." You sighed in bliss, concentrating on the pleasure you felt. Your legs clenched on nothing, pussy tingling as if electricity was coursing down into you. Beck was aware of what they were doing, an innocent smile plastered over their timid face.

"You're so soft, soft and lovely," Beck muttered, flattening their tongue and pressing it against the opening up towards the hood of your clit, earning a hushed whimper to leave your lips. "Such a sweet human."

"If you keep doing that—I don't think I'll-"

Beck shushed you by pressing a finger into your opening invitingly, your walls grasping around it with ease. "Hush, my sweet. I know, I know. But I will want to hear your sweet voice soon."

Your orgasm was approaching swiftly, concentrating on how your stomach clenched and tightened, hand squeezing Beck's in tandem with their touches and licks. Your orgasm came as sweet as the cry on your lips, as sweet as honey as the cry left your soul complete.

Beck moaned in reaction to your orgasm, their lower body moving lazily in the water, tentacles slapping lightly against the surface, squeezing your thighs.

"Oh, your moans are so precious." Beck moaned out, their black eyes shut in ecstasy. "I can come undone from your voice alone."

"You're close?"

"Yes," they moaned softly, almost afraid to be heard aloud. "I'm so close, my love-"

You had been aware of how jellyfish could reproduce, releasing both sperm and eggs into the water. It fascinated you to watch, watching with a final cry of release, Beck twitched and their body stilled, a cloudy mixture released and floating up towards the surface, bouncing like seafoam against the rocks of the pool.

Bringing the mercreature up to your face, you gently praised them through their orgasm, pressing kisses against their hood, the angular features of their cheekbones, and finally, their lips.

"You did great, dear." You murmured, cuddling into the coolness of their velvety skin, on looking at the skies as they grew in colours, darkening as one before night would fall.

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