OkCryptid: Casen

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Relationship: Male monster x female reader

The first OkCryptid Collab I'm doing so I hope you enjoy it! I'm open to feedback and comments!

You had to admit, stepping back into the dating pool was the most frightening thing to reface; even after so long of being in a comfortable relationship. Your last relationship had ended in more than just heartbreak: a shallow guy who had once again used you for their own gain to please themselves, not caring one bit about your own well-being.

If anything, going back into being open to speaking with strangers was the most daunting task you would have to face once more.

"I don't know, Amery, how do I know it's not some fake site?" Your voice wavered whilst you stirred you a soon-to-be cooling cup of coffee.

"Everyone's on OkCryptid, and besides, it's been months since you broke up with Glynn." The half-elf was eagerly spewing every bit of information they knew about the app, the app that everyone seemed to be getting on board.

'Better than any dating site you know' – they declared, and all you felt was doubt, maybe even scepticism, "Maybe it's time for you to get back into the game."

"The last time I did so, it ended in me mauling over my decisions and mourning the last year and a half." You sighed deeply troubled, maybe even intrigued, but you didn't want to show it just yet, "I've never used a dating app before."

"And you'll love this one! Monsters and humans looking for companionship, you can choose everything about them and they put down as much information about them in their bios before you swipe on them. I think you'll quite like it if you give it a try."

You hesitated, "It's that simple huh?"

"Look, I had the same worries you feel now, but after meeting Valeria, my opinions on it totally changed!" The light freckles on their face crinkled with their olive skin as they smiled to you, their mousey brown hair bouncing as they continued, "Please give it a try, will you?" They pouted.

You didn't want to give in so soon, nor to say yes just yet, keeping to yourself that you were thinking about it, "I'll download it now and try it out later."

Amery squealed loudly, grasping your hands together as they held the excitement you should've been feeling, and all you could do was nervous smile back, "You have to tell me how you get on, right? Tell me if you get any matches right away."

You couldn't say no now, watching as Amery helped to download the app for you, chatting on how much it helped to ease talking to strangers in private messages and chat lines. If anything goes wrong, I can just delete it, simple as that.

Amery beamed from ear to ear, handing back your phone as you came face to face with the cute little logo that was of the app, before you slowly signed up with your details.

"Hopefully, you'll be coming back to me with a new boo." They joked to lighten the feelings you were having, but nothing you thought nor what they said could help relieve the nervousness.

"Yeah... whatever you say."


The app was still running in the background, on its first bio whilst you glanced from your spot whilst doing the dishes, the temptations running through your head as you tried distracting yourself. Like Amery said, I can give it a try, and maybe if I'm lucky, I'll get a match.

You pouted: Amery did say it would take a while before matches came in due to being a new account so people would have to find your bio first. But it wouldn't hurt to start now, get likes later. You thought, suddenly finding yourself moving to grab at your phone to sit on the couch, your mind running laps as you began swiping and reading.

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