Imagine for @disobeystyles meeting Harry

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"Tira! Hurry up we are going to the grocery store", your mum called out to you. "Just one sec mum", you yelled back as you finished off your tweet to your sunshine Mr Harold Styles. ~about to go shopping with the mumzey, oh I wish @harrystyles would appear in the grocery store :) #neverwillhappen # plzwishcometrue~pressing the tweet button the little birdie carried it off into the Internet to where it would hopefully be deliver it to the one and only Harry Styles.

You got in the car with your mother and made your way off to down town London, to a little quite grocery store. "And now on is the song that made the one and only boy band come world famous, what makes you beautiful, everyone", the radio man announced. Your mum turned towards you smiling as your face lite up with excitement.

Soon after the song finished and the car came to a stop right in front of the little local grocery store. That is one of your favourites store, as it was local and if you request some kind if special ingredient etc the man would go out of his way and order it in for you. "Tira, did you get the shopping list?", your mum asked you. Shaking your head no your mum sent you out to the car to get the list.

Walking outside you noticed a couple of girls running through the car park, wearing one direction shirts and yelling "where did he go?". Confused you just shook it off and continued looking for the grocery list. "Ah ha!", I said loudly, as I picked up the list. Locking the car up and then making your way back into the grocery shop to find your mum.

Walking up the Freezer isle with your head down, you made your way up to where you last left your mum. "Here you go mum", you said touching who you though was your mums arm. As soon as you touched 'your mums arm', you freaked as you noticed something different. Your head shoot straight up and there I front of you stood your one and only sunshine.

"Uh-uh-u-", you stuttered out as Harry Styles him self stood in front of you attempting to hold back the laughter. "Tira right?", he asked placing his shopping basket on the ground and stretching his right hand out towards you. "Y-ou kn-ow m-m-y name?", you stuttered out as you shook your sun shines hand.

Yet again that famous smirk appeared on Harry's face and then he let go of your hand placing them into his pants pockets and started rocking back and fourth on his feet. "We'll you know, I've been stalking your twitter and I even found you on Facebook and Instagram." "You see my tweets?", you asked completely shocked. "Why don't you follow me?".

"I always see your tweets, I have my notifications turned on for you and you only. I was going to follow you the other day, but I just love seeing you try harder and harder with every tweet", Harry said smirking yet again. All of the sudden your dirty mind kicked in "oh no!" You yelled/laughed, you later smirk back.

"So back to the start I'm guessing you was looking for your mum?", he asked picking his basket back up. "Yeah I was", you looked down at the ground still a little embarrassed with the whole calling Harry mum. "Cool, I can help you find her? But only if you want me too?". Violently shaking your head yes Harry grabbed your hand with his free one and led you off down the other isles.

Running through isles and playing little kiddie games you had finally found your mum. "Well, here's my mum..." You said awkwardly both walking up to your mum, "oh before I forget can I get a picture with you?", you asked pulling out your phone and turning the camera on. "Of cause we can, but I have a feeling that we will have a lot more pictures together in the future", he winked just before you snapped a picture. "We'll I guess I'll tweet you later", you said before walking off to your mum. "How about you text me?", he said pulling out a pen and writing it on the bottom of the grocery list. Before you could say a word Harry was then no where to be seen.

A little over three months later and Harry had done the pleasure of asking you out. Of cause you said yes. "And that's how my mummy Tira meet my daddy Harry. Together they lived for years and then I came along, and 4 years later here I stand". "We'll done Darcy, that was a great story for show and tell this week", the teacher said. "Thank you miss Bruce". The whole class clapped and cheered for me, but mummy a d daddy who sat up the back where the ones who stood out the most. "I love you mummy, I love you daddy", yelled running up and embarrassing them in a warm lovingly family hug.

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