Imagine for emmalogan4- gynaecologist

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"Julia. Hi I'm Dr Ashton, just follow me this way". You sat, watched and studied as the hot Dr by the name of Ashton came on took the lady next to you away. Your eyes wondered down to your watch looking at the time. You've been sitting in the gynaecologist office for at least 40 minutes now, and the hot guys that worked there where the only things that could take your mind off of what was about to happen in your first ever appointment.

"Excuse me", you said clearing your throat as you hung overtop of the office desk where 2 more hot males sat behind their computer screens. "How can I help you miss?", The one named Calum asked, as the other one with a name tag which read Michael sat back. "I was wondering how much longer the wait is?", you asked. "Can I have your name please" Calum asked typing away at his computer once you told him your name. "Dr Horan is running a little behind, but your next on the list. A I'd say another 10 minutes." "Thank you", you said taking back your seat.

"Y/n y/l/n?", your name had been called out, making your head shoot into the direction of the tall blonde brown haired boy with a black lip ring. "Hi I'm Luke, I'm Dr Horan's assistant", he said shaking your hand and leading you down the hall and to the office. "So you just go ahead on inside and on the bench will be a gown which you just slip on with your bra", he said closing the door for you and walking away.

Turning around you saw what awaited for you in the room. A huge chair/take in one was set up in the middle of the room with a weird looking device placed at the feet end of it. Next to the end was a moveable tray which held various stainless steel equipment, all of which was starting to make you very scared at the though of something like that going inside you. Reluctantly you placed on the gown, folding up your other clothes and sitting them on the bench. There was a knock at the door and with a croaky voice you said a quick "come in".

The door handle giggled and in walked a beautiful pale skinned sandy blonde haired and blue eyes man, one of the most beautifulest human being you have ever seen. Closely followed by a slightly taller light brown haired man with a lip ring. "Hi y/n? I'm Dr Horan, and this is Luke. Luke's a trainee and we where wondering if you would allow for him to join in in your appointment today?", Dr Horan asked his blue eyes sparkling in the light. "Uh well ugh i suppose yes?", you stuttered out getting even more scared. "Ok that's great", Dr Horan said whilst the man named Luke nodded in agreement and thanked you.

"So to start with I'm going to ask you a couple of questions, I need you to be 100% truthful with these. 1- are you sexually active?", he asked and you nodded your head yes. "2- Have you had any sex within the last 2 weeks", you shook your head no. "3- Have you ever been pregnant at all?", again you shook your head no. "4- are your periods regular and normal?", you shook your head yes. "5- is there anything else, problems? concerning you down below?", "noPe", you said popping the p.

"Ok then well you go and take a seat in the big chair then and we will get started with this exam", Dr Horan said standing up from his desk and pulling on a pair of gloves. You got seated in the chair, but kept your legs tightly shut together. Dr Horan and Luke came towards the end of your bed and stood there, Luke holding a clip board and Dr Horan setting up the device at the foot. "Okay, so these here is a device which you can sit your feet in. This allows more comfort for both you and me as I can then get a better look inside your vagina", he said gently grabbing your ankles with his gloved hands and placing them in the device for you.

You kept your legs tightly shut the whole time, still not prepared for the exam. Dr Horan turned around, the noise of the different tools clanking together scared you. Turning back around he had a scary looking tool in his hands. "Im going to need you to open your legs miss", he laughed and with his free hand slipped it i between your legs spreading them apart. "So this tool is just going to widen your vagina so I can have a better view", he said spreading on cold lube.

The coldness of the stainless steal excited you as he slowly slid it inside of you, but soon after the excitement was gone when he started to widen the tool and stretch you. "You will feel a little discomfort", he warned you as he kept widening the tool. There was no going back now, after he had you stretched open. "So all I'm going to be doing is scrapping the insides and the cervix. After that just a really good look and a little touching around. So most of this procedure will be uncomfortable, just a little warning. And if at any time you would like me to stop just say so", Dr Horan said kindly.

Picking up a push like thing Dr Horan inserted it into your vaginitis scraping around on the insides, it was very uncomfortable and made you want to shit your legs as quickly as possible, but it couldn't be done as your legs had been strapped into the device. Whilst all this happened Luke stood behind and took notes on everything that was done. The brush was the taken out and placed into a clear jar which had your name and details written on the label.

Then came the whole touchy feely. Dr Horan was sticking his fingers and hands inside touching around. He removed his hand, "well everything looks absolutely fine, you truly look after her", he winked. "Okay so your results will be back at the office in 2-3 days, so you can call up and find out then. We will leave you to get changed then, and then your free to go." Both of them shook your hand good bye and left you standing there still in a little pain.

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