Imagine for vayn_kilam

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Imagine for vayn_kilam

"No, I can't be" a gasp escaped your mouth as the pregnancy slipped from your shakes fingers.
Liam, this will ruin his career. He always said he wasn't ready to father a child and wanted to wait for the right time. You knew what you had to do and whilst Liam was away at work you packed up all your belongings. Normally people would leave a note or belonging that means something to the couple, but that only happens in movies.
And just like that you was gone, without a trace.

4 years later-
"Zayn? Zayn? There you are", you smiled towards the two boys laying on the couch together watching hotel Transylvania.
"What's up?", Zayn asked lifting him self up with one arm.
"What's up mama bear?", Tate said following Zany's actions.
It was amazing actually, everything Zayn did Tate would follow and soon picked up those habits. From the way Zayn walked, talked, stood, ate, fight and even sleep. No one would ever guess he was Liam's kid the only resemblance the two had was the button nose and mole on the neck.
"Wanna go and get something for lunch?", you asked the two who immediately jumped at the word.
"Kebabs?", Tate asked for his favourite food who you'd never guess where he got it from. Yep Zayn".
"Sure can kiddo", Zayn said ruffling his fingers through rates hair.

Sitting down in the booth with our tacos the door opened. In walked a beautiful girl, closely followed by and holding hands with non other then the father of your son. Liam. It had been four years. Four very long years and now he decided to show it up. You caught yourself staring until Zayn brought you back. But it was to late Liam had already spotted you and noticed who it was.
"Y/n?", he asked now coming over with the other girl in his hand.
Tension was clear in the air as Liam introduced you to his girlfriend Sophia and you introduced Zayn as your boyfriend.
"What about the little one?", Sophia asked.
"This here's Tate, my 3 and a half year old", you gladly pronounced.
"3 and a half? That doesn't make scene it was only 4 years ago that you left me. I thought something bad happened to you", Liam said calmly.
"Yes 3 and a half, your the dad", you confirmed Liam's question that he had yet to ask.
"Why didn't you ever tell me? Why has he been raising my child?", Liam gestured towards Zayn.
"Because if I remember correctly you didn't want anything to do with children, the moment I found out I was pregnant I left for the sake of your career", you thought back.
"Of course that's all your good at packing up and leaving". And with that Liam stormed out of the kebab lounge, along with Sophia.

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