Soccer imagine for realmadrid_10

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Lately you had been missing out a lot on your soccer practise, don't get yourself wrong you absolutely loved soccer and even dream of becoming an professional player for England. But lately you haven't been as into Soccer enough and had missed a lot of practise.

After missing 2 games and 5 practises, your mum thought it be an great idea if you actually showed up today. "We'll look who it is", Harry smirked at you as you walked in to practise. "And where have you been missy?", Liam asked as he stood forward. "You know I just couldn't be bothered", you smirked back earning an glare from all the boys.

"We'll then Jennifer, I think you've missed to much so how about we start with 20 laps around the oval, and If I see you slowing down at any point you will earn an extra 5 laps. Now lets get going, go!", Louis said whilst raising his voice.

You immediately started running to the side of the oval and started lap one of twenty. "I hate youse! I've never liked any of youse! Aaaarrrruuuugggghhhh!", you groaned as you just finished your first lap. "Keep it up Jennifer, or I will be making you do it's for two weeks of practise", Zayn yelled. You simply just gave them all the finger as you continued the laps.

After 30 laps all up you had finally finished, practise was now over and it was just you and one coaches still there. You walked up to coach Niall and stood in front of him with your hands on your hips, "finished your laps", you said stating the obvious, Earning an chuckle from the Irish coach. "We'll done, do you know why we are doing this to you?", he asked going serious in seconds, you just shook your head no.

"You Jennifer, we all think you are the one who will make it big with soccer. Your fast, slippery, smart and can observe the other teams weakness in an matter of minutes. We all believe in you Jennifer, and we want your dream to come true." You was shocked at what coach Niall just said and your first reaction was to jump into his arms and scream. "Thank you, Thank you, Thank you", you screamed whilst kissing his cheek.

Youse both chuckled together and then realised what the time was. "Shit my mum might think I'm missing or even dead. I need to get home", "I can drop you off", Niall said and you gladly took request.

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