Imagine for Liamlover123454- cutting

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You seemed liked an normal everyday girl and simply known as the brown puppy eyed girl that loves turtles. But no you was comlpelty different around people you knew and at home. The dark brown hair would be let free of the band that suffocated it into a sweet and innocent piggy tale. Those turtles would turn into dragons, and those brown puppy dog eyes would turn a piercing black which would look deep your soul.

"Well fuck you too!! And you can shove this so called fucken job up your stretched out fucken asshole!!", you stormed out the back door of a pub which you worked at running the bar. Ripping your hair out of that innocent little pony tale, you flicked it over your face. Walking up the familiar alleyway, you replaced your heels with combat boot and mini skirt to ripped denim jeans.

After a 30 minute walk back to your apartment, you ripped open the door and went in search for familiar razor. A blade thats sharp enough to re- slice open my thick pale scars. Being clean for over 8 months was too long, you had missed the feelings it gave you, and the pain and sadness it would take away. Ripping your jeans down, you reviled the scars, you picked up the last remaining razor in the apartment you let it rip. All the pain being spilt out in the blood that gushed from your thigh and all over your self and tilled bathroom floor.

"Haley!!! No No No!!!", Liam yelled rushing through the door of your shared apartment. Running over he gently applied pressure to your pale lifeless thighs. His cool hands burned at the newly made incisions into your skin, making you whimper in pain. "I thought you gave this up", he asked tilting his head towards yours and looking deep into your eyes. Staring back you could see the sting of tears, fighting to be let free from his bulging brown eyes.

"I-uh-wha", you stuttered trying to make up a good enough lie for the reasons of cutting your clean skin all over again. Looking deep into his eyes the truth came free, "I lost my job... Im loosing everything, Im scared and i especially don't want to loose you", you cried into Liam's open arms. "Shhhshhh, Hay's i will never give you away, your my special little turtle loving chika bae", he said kissing your forehead. Your mouth twitched a small smile formed, also bringing a smile to Liam's face.

"How about we get you cleaned up", Liam asked and you gently shook your head in return. He picked your fragile body bridal style and brought you into your shared bed. Laying you down he stripped you off just to your panties and left the room. Later returning with a new set of pjs and a bowl of warm water, which he sat down next to you. He ever so gently cleaned down your legs and bandaged them up, then placed you into your new pjs. "Now promise me your never going to do that again", "promise", you whispered still laying in the exact same spot because the pain was to intense. Liam leant over your fragile body, gently kissing your lips, "night".

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