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1 ✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️ Harry styles
3 ✔️✔️✔️



1✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️ he's the dentist

1✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️ Ellie

It was that time of the month again. With the date circled and clearly labeled checkup, yay. There was never a chance of getting out of these situations, considering my boyfriend Harry was a dentist. It was only a couple of months ago that Harry had managed to coax me into his office and place these metal bands on my teeth. It's taken a lot to get used to and eventually I have grown fond of them. But today I am not looking forward to, with a slight ache at the bottom of my jaw, every possible reason as to why it has been aching has popped in and out of my head. It's not like I'm scared.

"Ellie", Harry's voice called from the garage. "I'm going to be late".
"Coming!", I yelled back as I rushed down the garage stairs and into the car.
The drive towards Harry's dental office was nerve racking. Let's just say I'm not looking forward to this checkup.
The car soon came to a halt, and Harry climbed out, but not before leaving me.
"Come on Ellie, this won't take long", he smiled placing my hand in his.
His warm touch, slowly warming my insides, making me more and more comfortable with the whole situation.

Taken back to Harry's private room, I laid down in the cushioned dental chair.
The light blue bib wrapped around my neck and the bright light above positioned and flicked on.
The sound of rubber gloves snapping as Harry prepared, rolling over on his stool and hovering tools above my mouth.
"Open up for me Ellie?", Harry asked and I complied.
The cool touch of the metal mirror and explorer running along each and every tooth. Until he came to a stop.
With the tools retracted Harry mumbled the words I didn't want to hear. "Looks like my sweetness has a cavity", with a disapproving frown on his face he went off to collect the tools he would need.
With the option to be put asleep or just number I chose the sleep.
With a small nub on my nose, gas was released into my body, weakening me with every sniff.


The soft music from the car radio awoken me slowly.
My mouth in immense pain as it someone just hacked each and every tooth out of my head.
Placing my hands in my mouth, something was off. Why were my teeth covered in metal like brackets.
My eyes widened and turned to Harry, who then noticed I was awake.
"What did you do has", I cried as the throbbing set in.
"Well I fixed that cavity of yours, and gave your braces. Don't worry we are going straight home to cuddle, eat ice cream and watch movies for the rest of the weekend.
And that's exactly what happened.

I'm so so sorry that this was absolute shit. I promise I will make it up to all of yas, with another vote imagine. Just been trying to get new chapters written for stuck. Which if yous haven't already read, go check it out.

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