Imagine for ashlde- Louis is a dentist

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Imagine for ashlde- Louis is a dentist

Louis pov- It was just one of those days when the office isn't busy, but there was so much to be done due to the receptionist kid and Liam the office manager being away sick. "Harry?", I called out looking for him. "Yeah?", I ward his voice replied as he came out of no where. "This place is dead, this gives us a chance to get things cleaned up and sorted out", I said walking to the staff room sink and collecting disinfectant sprays and cloths. "I love cleaning", Harry sarcastically said whilst a rolling his eyes and collecting a spay and cloth off of me. "Niall's room first?", I asked both of us agreed and headed to the orthodontist room.

Everything seemed fine and organised but when you started moving around the tray there was stuff everywhere. "How the hell does Niall manage to get these coloured bands behind the cupboards?", I asked Harry picking up a bunch of different coloured bands for braces. "I love that game", Harry said cheerfully before covering his mouth and realising what he had said. "Game?", I asked raising an eyebrow. "Yeah you get the explorers and fling them off the end. The person who gets the furthest wins". "Huh", I shrugged my shoulders kind of amused at the stuff Niall gets up to. We finished the cleaning of all 3 offices, splitting up Harry went to collect all the tools and sterilise them whilst I went out the front and started going through all the medical files.

I wasn't even half way through the files and I already had over 40 recall letters for checkups printed, signed and sealed in an envelope ready to be sent off, when I came across non other then Harry's profile which was highlighted bright red with overdue written right across it.

Name- Harry Edward Styles

Age- 21

Address- 728 Crescent Drive, North London 2910

Phone Number- 01092829

Last Appointment- 08/02/2013

How does this even happen? I questioned myself looking over his profile and at all his previous dental work and X-rays. He works here and is a dental assistant. "Harry?", I called out. "Coming Lou", I heard his voice reply. A couple of seconds later Harry came around the corner stripping off his gloves and throwing them in the rubbish bin. "What's up?", Harry smiled sitting down on the desk in front of me. "This", I said Turing the computer screen around and showing Harry his own profile. "You haven't had a check up for 2 years", I said raising my voice a little and sounding like an angry mum. Visible Harry gulped, "it must have slipped my mind, you know being so busy with work all the time", he said jumping down from the desk walking back down the hallway. "Don't think your getting out of this that quick. It's just you and me buddy", I shouted staring back at the computer and getting all the other files completed.

Glancing up to the clock it read 6:39pm and no one had come in at all. Getting up from the front desk from I went and locked up the front door and closed down the laptops as I was finally finished. Walking back out the back both Niall's and the spare office where shut down. Sticking my head into my office there was Harry putting away all the freshly sterilised tools. "Finished have we?", I asked making Harry jump. "Yeah", he said placing the last lot of tools away and turning around facing me. "The fronts all closed up and shut down all that's left to do is give you your check up", I said going to the cupboard and picking out some gloves. "Do I have to?", Harry winged lumping around to the chair and sitting upright in the chair after I said yes. "Fine", Harry huffed out. "I hate you", he said.

Harry's pov- The chair started to recline as Louis placed his foot on the pedal. His glove hand reached up over my face and grabbed the bright overhead light, moving it into a reasonable position and clicking it on. My head followed Louis as he reached out to the tray picking up the mirror and explorer. Louis seemed overly happy at this moment as he smiled hovering the tools over my mouth. "Open wide", Louis smirked as I slowly opened my mouth wide enough for tools to fit in. "A2 seems discoloured", Louis hummed not looking very impressed. "B8 has a visible cavity", Louis said moments later as he scraped each of teeth.

"Ugh, ugh", I clamped my mouth shut as Louis ran his tool over the top of one of my molars. "Did that hurt?", Louis asked placing his tools back on the tray. Grabbing the side of my face I nodded. "Well lets get some X-rays done", Louis said placing the films into my mouth and taking the X-rays. I got out of the chair and stood behind Louis as he looked over the X-rays. "Cavity here, here and here", Louis pointed out circling the cavity's with his finger. "They aren't deep which is a good thing and means you get to avoid the needles". This is what I dreaded I can't stand having any sort of cavity the vibration gets me, but there's no getting out of stuff like this when it comes to Louis and I retook my seat in the chair as Louis prepped the drills.

The diamond shaped bur on the end of the drill started up and drilling holes inside all three of my cavity filled teeth. The vibration was getting to much, sending chills down my spine and tingling feeling all over my body. My teary green eyes shot up looking dead into Louis deep blue eyes, he immediately stopped the drilling on the last tooth. "Everything alright?", Louis asked. "I need a break", I said trying to sit up. Louis was deeply concerned as he took off his gloves and rolled over to me patting my back. "There's half a tooth left, that's all and then I can fill them and we are all done", Louis reassured me. And he got back to work, I maned up for the last 3 minutes of drilling and finally got them all filled, followed by a fluoride treatment. "I'm glad that's over", I said to Louis as he cleaned up the tools and room and we headed out to the staff room. "Maybe you should keep up to date with your dental records", Louis said as we gathered our personal items and headed out back. "I have my eyes on you from now on Mr Styles", Louis said pointing at his eyes and me. "Yeah yeah what ever", I said as we departed each our own way.

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