Imagine fore arianagirl3- Harry the priest

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Imagine fore arianagirl3- Harry the priest

"It was a accident! I didn't do it! There was blood! And not mine", your head yelled out as you ran for a safe place to stay. And that's where it stood, high pointy peaks and crucifixes everywhere. Running through the tall metal gates you ran up the numerous stairs pushing the heavy wooden doors open. Panic over took you, "no I can't be here", you yelled only to have the shit scarred out of you when a figure places his hand on your shoulder.

"Are you hurt?", the male figure asked as he moved into the light. His long curls placed over his own shoulders as a face of worried set in. All you could do was cry, he won't believe you, this was all a mistake. "I didn't mean to do it", you cried out more. And with your shaky blood covered hands placed them on your puffy blood splattered face. "Come with me", the priest said taking you down a hall and into a room. "Clean your self up, and then we can talk. Okay?", he asked handing over a towel, sweatpants and t-shirt. You nodded your head walking into the door the priest had pointed you towards.

Standing I front if the mirror you looked your self up and down, your clothes and hands where soaked in blood, with your face and hair splattered. Your deep light blue eyes had turned a darker colour, a scary colour, leaving your face puffy and red. Stripping off you climbed inside the shower and slowly turned the taps on, face to the ground as you watched all the blood run off your body and down the drain.

Out side waited the priest who patted the seat next to him, which you went and took. "I'm father Harry", he introduced himself and waited patiently for you to do the same. "Y/n". "What happened?", he asked sincerely grabbing your knee and rubbing it. "I truly didn't mean it, I just snapped. I did something bad, something no one else would ever do. I hated him so much and when he came into my room that night, I though I was just going to frighten him off." The tears came back along with the memories of the incident. "I stabbed him numerous time, as much as i wanted to stop, I couldn't. I was enjoying it."

Father Harry continued to comfort you throughout the rest of the night, "may I ask who you stabbed?", "my stepfather", you simply said turning the other way and avoiding father Harry. For days father Harry kept you in his room, helping you out which you thought was absolutely adorable. It wasn't for a week later the cops had found you and you was under arrest for the suspected murder of your stepfather, father Harry stood behind you the whole way and even got you out of all the mess and homing and caring for you.

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