Imagine for Peyton114- doctors

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"Peyton Grier?", a young lady called out into the waiting room of your local doctors office. "That's you come on", you older brother by 4 years stated to you softly. "I don't want to go Hayes", you wined as you lagged behind both your bigger brother and the young lady. "So if youse just take a seat in the room the doctor shouldn't be to much longer." You smiled at the lady and was pleased when she finally left, this meant just you and your brother. 

Scared as hell you sat there chewing all of what was left of your nails off, but soon interrupted when your fear walked through the door. "Hello I'm Dr Horan, and you must be Peyton Grier?", shaking your head yes your brother actually opened his mouth and said yes. Dr Horan took a seat, groaning along with the pattern he typed into his computer your name popped up on the screen with all your medical records. 

"So your ten years old if this is correct?", he said pointing to the computer infront of him, which you continued to shake your head yes to nervousness and scared to talk. "So your due for your throat swab and 3 shots which include flu, ovarian and one for your throat". As Dr Horan got up out of his chair you turned straight around and faced your bigger brother Hayes. "Please don't let him do this, it hurts a lot and feels horrible", you begged which your brother didn't stand down to. 

Coming back towards youse the doctor held in his hand a big fluffy swab with a clear container labeled with your details in his other hand. Glancing back and forth between Dr Horan, your brother Hayes and the door you made a quick decision. Within seconds you had sprinted out the door and down the hall, just before bumping into a slightly larger figure then yours. 

Your eyes peeled from the ground and made there way up the figures body until your eyes meet with his head. His eyes stared back at you, "are you okay miss? You kind of ran into me". "Ugh-" you was then cut off by him. "I'm Dr Dallas", he said putting his hand out to you to shake. "Cameron?", a familiar voice yelled down the hall which made you turn right around. It was Dr Horan, he had ran down the hall after you and some how corrupted the other Dr to carry you back to his office kicking and screaming. 

Dr Dallas held you down in the chair which you sat in before, and Dr Horan continued on with the rest of the appointment. Opening your mouth the horrible swab test was taken, and the results where to be final within 3 days. Then came the second part of the appointment which consisted of 3 needles. Again Dr Dallas held you down in the chair, whilst Dr Horan prepped all 3 needles at once and brought them over. Your brother Hayes got in with youse too, rolling up your sleeve showing the top of your arm. Dr Horan wiped down your skin with alcohol wiped and slapped your arm a couple of times. "3, 2, 1", he plunged the first needle into your arm a burning feeling filling your arm as the liquid from the first needle filled it. 

3 needles later, you was finally finished, your brother whipping the tears from your cheeks as youse both walked out of the office together. "Hayes, please don't make me go back there", you sobbed int his shoulder.

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