One direction imagine- doctors

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Niall- Ever since you started high school you planned that when you officially finished year 12 you would go to Ireland, back to your family, now your actually in Ireland, living that dream. Being in Ireland you have to get drunk and party, you decided to go out with some family, and get drunk. "(Y/n), can you hear me? Open your eyes (y/n)" you slowly opened your eyes to be meet with a blinding light, which slowly faded to an cute guy with blond hair, bright blue eyes which bounced off his pale skin. "Ugh where am I?" You asked as an surge of pain hit head. "Miss, I'm Dr Horan, and your at Mullingar hospital, do you know what happened?" The cute dr which goes by the name Mr Horan said. "Ugh I was with family at a party and I was drinking and then....i don't know?" It came out more as an question. "Miss you fell over whilst dancing and hit your head, when you hit your head you split it open, whilst you was out I stitched it up and you should be on your way soon", Dr Horan said. "Well dr will I be seeing you again? I mean if you want we could go out sometime soon", you dreamily flirted with him, as you took advantage as you didn't see any ring on his finger. "Sure and you can call me Niall" he said as he handed over a piece of paper and walked out.

Harry- you was out playing with your friends at a park. Yes you was playing in an park, lets just say you love the park. So you WAS swinging on the swing, whilst your best friend was pushing you. Going higher and higher with every push. And then it happened, your grip loosened in mid air and when as high as you can go you came flying off, landing on the hard bark chips whilst hearing a bone breaking sound. Your friend got up and made a bolt to your side. You tried to stand but couldn't put any weight on your right leg, so your friend literally carried you to her car. Making your way into the er in an wheelchair, you was greeted by a beautiful young man with chocolate brown curls and green orbs, way too young to be a Dr you questioned your self. "Hi (y/n), I'm Dr styles but you can call me Harry", the Dr said as I was wheeled I to his office. After a couple of X-rays here and there it was clear that you had broken your right leg, and Harry was getting prepped to plaster your leg. The whole experience of Harry plastering your leg was kind of awkward and uncomfortable, but you put up with it and took in the way he put his love and care into your leg. "Okay sweetly all done, don't put any pressure on the leg and try not to get the cast wet", he said with an wink. "Oh and before I forget here's my number, call me if you have any problems", this time showing off his smirk and cute dimples.

Liam- you was having those thoughts again, and when ever they popped up some how your parents would find out and with out a doubt your parents would send you away. These thought where never clear, they changed all the time and even helped you. You was in your room at the mental ward, when one of the nurses came to collect you. You was so use to this place and every member of the staff new who you was. Being in and out of this place since you was only 5 years old, it all started when you was outside and an little puppy came up to you, youse played for a while but then the puppy bit and you snapped it's neck. Growing up you got these thoughts that told you ways to kill your self and this included self harm, and now those thoughts are back, not only the suicide/self harm but also the killing ones. "Hi, I'm Dr L.Payne, I'm your new Dr, and Im going to help you thought your hard times", all you could do was stare he was about your age and you've never had a dr so handsome. Throughout your treatment you and Dr Payne gathered enough courage and finally made out. All your bad thoughts went away, the cure was love.

Louis- "Welcome to London medical centre, how can I help you?", "I have to see a doctor right now, and no I'm not discussing my problems with you". You took a seat in the waiting room and ever so slowly your turn creeped up. It was your first time coming to this medical centre and didn't have a doctor so you just slipped into the first one available. "Miss (y/n)", the doctor called your name out, you got up and followed him down the hall to his room and took a seat on the examination table. With his back still faced to you he asked the question that you was to embarrassed to talk about, and then he turned around, stunning him and ya self, "uh and Im Dr Tomlinson by the way but you miss can call me Louis, so what seems to be the problem?" "Well um I was kinda bored and thought it be a good idea to um pluck the foam from the couch and shove it in my ears, and well I um I kinda arh got it stuck". You was so shamed and didn't want this gorgeousness of a doctor to look at you again. "We'll um that's kind of a shock, why don't you lay down and I'll get it out for you",he laughed out. After all the pain you thanked him and just before you walked out the door, "oh um would I be able to get your mobile number, you know just incase of anything wrong or anything..." Louis yet again laughed and reluctantly handed over his number.

Zayn- you was on your way to work this morning and somehow it was you, you caused an 8 car pile up on the main freeway to London. Well that's what you got told by one of the nurses at the London hospital and You was also told that you may require surgery. Knock knock, a young male with a black quiff wearing an white lab coat, walked in to the room, "hey (y/n) I'm Dr Malik, I'm here to take you away for surgery, as when you was in the accident you broke your left forearm and the bone has pierced the skin. We are gonna have to go in and screw the bone back together stitch up the arm, and possibly have an cast." You gave Dr Malik the thumbs up and he started to wheel you down to the surgery room. You felt awkward, not knowing where to place your hands and you had nowhere to look so you just focused on Dr Malik and every now and then his eyes would connect with yours and he would give you his smile. "Okay now (y/n) I want you to count to 10", "1, 2, 3, 4, 5 6....." Your eyes became droopy and the next thing your asleep. "Your finally awake" this time you seen Dr Malik sitting on the chair next to your bed in casual clothes, "yeah thanks Dr Malik for everything", "oh you can call me Zayn".

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