dentist imagine niallersgirl 20

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Kristyn's pov- It was 2 in the morning when your phone started ringing and hoarsely buzzing on top of the beside cabinet waking both Niall and I up. The caller I'd said it all, "Taylor? What's going on?", you squeaked into the phone. "Kristyn, I need you to fill in for me on the second leg of the fearless tour", Taylor was practically begging through the phone. "But that's today". "I know I couldn't think of any one but you sis, your the closet person to me and know all the lyrics. I can't help it sorry it's just I'm not feeling well at all". I thought it over quickly in my head, "sure, but Im only doing it for this week", I said into the speaker, Taylor finally hung up after uncountable thankyous. I placed the phone back on the cabinet where Niall sat, "what was all that about?", he asked worriedly. "Taylor she's not well, so she asked me to fill in for her", "wow, when do you start?", "today!", you replied back laying down to get your beauty sleep.

It was 11 in the morning by the time you got out of bed, Niall had already left so you went and got ready along with having lunch before heading off to the stadium for hair, makeup, outfits and sound check. It wasn't long till it was sound check walking out on stage the seats where already starting to fill up, that's when you seen a group of people you never though you would have seen at the stadium. It was the local high school music group, along with the Mr. Bryant the music teacher. You couldn't believe it and decided to head down to see them, half way through a conversation and signing photos for the group Niall popped up behind you. Swiftly grabbing your face and planting a kiss on your lips. "And who do we have here?", Mr. Bryant asked. "Oh this is Niall my fiancé", you proudly annoyed whilst placing your hands on his chest. "Congratulations", Mr. Bryant said.

After excusing yourself from the school group you headed back up on stage where you completed sound check, Niall was cheering along the whole time. Going backstage your phone started ringing, Liam's name flashing across the screen. "Hello?", "Kristyn is Niall with you?", Liam asked in a panicked voice. "Ah yeah he is, why what's going on?", you asked also getting a little worried. "He's suppose to be with Harry, Louis and I at his dentist appointment", Liam said back. "Okay ill get him there as soon as possible". "Thanks", Liam responded. It wasn't long before you found Niall and persuaded him to get in the car, where you drove him to the dental clinic. Liam, Louis and Harry where all waiting out the front, where they carried him int the office and into the free surgery room.

You followed him closely behind and into the room where a man in blue scrubs sat at the head of the reclined chair with trays of numerous tools awaiting. The boys placed Niall into the chair where Harry sat on his legs and Liam pushed down on his chest to keep him in the chair. The dentist brought a knob up and pulled it over Niall's nose instantly relaxing him. "Please Kristyn, don't let them", he called softly as the drugs took affect. "It says on his chart that there is 4 root canals to be performed so I'm guess the procedure be about 2 and 1/2 to 3 hours long", he explained whilst snapping on a pair of gloves and adjusting the overhead light.

Liam's pov- the dentist inserted a mouth prop into Niall's mouth before injecting 5 needles of novocain into his mouth. Just before the dentist started the procedure Kristyn said she had to go to finish off the concert and she be back soon after. Once Kristyn left the dentist started drilling out all 4 teeth, Niall immediately started crying not liking the awful feeling of pressure and discomfort. We all comforted Niall as Louis sang a sweet melody, even I was terrified when the dentist picked up a jar of small wire like brushes, placing them inside the drilled out teeth. This made my own teeth turn to jelly as I watched what the dentist was doing to Niall's teeth, along with the awful sound of grinding.

Kristyns pov- the concert was a blast and everyone loved you, but you had to get back to Niall, leaving him at the dentist to receive 4 root canals was the worst thing you have ever done in your life. When you arrived at the dentist Niall laid still in the chair as the dentist finished up crowing all four of his teeth. His tear stain face made you feel like crying, and that's exactly what Niall did when his eyes spotted you. Discomfort clear on his expression as the dentist finished curing the crowns. Once Niall was finished the dentist let him up, removing the bib from around his neck. "Okay so no eating for an hour and only soft foods", the dentist instructed as he removed his gloves and gave you a care sheet. "Any problems Mr Horan make an appointment ASAP and I can get it fixed". Niall mumbled a few words which the dentist luckily never heard, before you took him home and looked after him. 

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