Bsm Imagine request for Ib1618- part 3 of 3

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Louis pov- it was the day everything from the past couple of months was leading up to, the day Lauren would come into the office and have a proper check up. But the one thing Lauren didn't know was that I already made the appointment and it just happens to be in 3 hours. This is going to be absolute torture, I can feel it in my bones and it's not felling pretty, trust me.

"Time to get up lazy bone!! Come on we are going shopping today", I said to Lauren who was still laying in bed. A groggy Lauren sprang out of bed and asked what the time was rudely. "It's 8:30am", I said back. "But it's a Sunday!!", Lauren said back this time not as rude. "Yes I know it's a Sunday but just up now if you want to go shopping", I said cheerfully.

After Lauren had got ready it was a hour drive into London where both our office and the main shopping centres are located. Harry, Lauren and I got into Harry's range rover, whilst Niall, Liam and Zayn got into Niall's ranger rover. All of us speeding off the down highway and towards our clinic first.

Lauren's pov- suddenly the car made a turn into the left lane and down off the main highway and under the bridge youse headed. What the? Where are we? No! You thought in your head as suddenly the answer to all your questions just popped up. Then down the street that lead down to the familiar office that your brother and his friends owned.

"Shit!", you muttered under your breath. "Some thing wrong love?", Louis asked as he turned around in the passenger seat to face you. The tears started running and the sobs got lowered as youse got closer. Within minutes the cars came to a stop and looking out your window Niall pulled up write next to you. You immediately knew you wouldn't be able to win this fight no matter what.

"Come on Lauren. Look I promise when are finished we will go shopping. I promise", Louis said to you as he looked dead in to your eyes. Grabbing hold of Louis hand you followed them all into the office. After Zayn unlocked the door youse all worked in. The lights flickered on and Louis lead you down the hall to his room, closely followed by the rest of the boys.

"Okay Lauren just take a seat and we will all get everything setup and get started", Louis said. You shakily sat down in the aqua blue chair. Your head shooting around the room and taking in the different scenery. A loud clash of metal tools knocked you out of your little daydream. You head shot to your right side as Niall was fixing up the tray of tools. Your shaky hand withdrew from your body and grabbed Niall's arm.

"Niall, please get me out of here, I didn't want to come here please I just want to go home, I don't wanna go shopping anymore," you begged of Niall. "I'm sorry Lauren but your already here so why don't we just get this over and done with. It won't take that long, I promise. Now, Zayn is going to be in here doing all the computer work and recording everything. Louis and Harry are going to work on your teeth and Liam's going to assist also and me I'm going to do a check after too", Niall said.

Not long after Liam walked into the room with these film like things. "Ok Lauren whilst everyone's getting ready I'm just going to do a couple of X-rays and then I'm done ok?", Liam asked. You nodded and opened your mouth up wide enough for him to place the films inside your mouth. Biting down you rested your head back on the headrest and not long after the pictures where taken.

Louis pov- I draped my coat around my body and snapped on my face masked. Walking into the room Lauren sat and awaited in I rolled my chair over towards the side of the chair. "Okay I'm going to start with laying the chair back", i said whilst starting to recline Lauren's chair.

The panic set in once again and she immediately tried to sit up, but to my luck Liam rushed over and pushed her back down against the chair. Moments later both Harry and Zayn walked in. Harry got the paper bib and clipped it around her neck as I snapped my gloves on.

Once again the once tear stained cheeks started to become wet again. I hushed my little sister as I tried to pry open her mouth. She wouldn't budge though and after 10 minutes of personal time I decided I had to do what we all feared we would have to do. Niall went and got the dreaded board. With lots of tears, screaming and fighting, Niall and Liam managed to strap Lauren down to the chair and I inserted the mouth prop to get started.

"Now Lauren I'm only going to use the sane tools like I used at home okay?", with a struggled nod of her head her eyes squinted shut and I placed my mirror and explorer inside. Scrapping every tooth and cleaning the plaque off I was just about finished. All I had left now was to get Zayn check over the X-rays. Removing the mouth prop I rolled over to Zayn. "Surprisingly everything looks great for 5+ years", Zayn said and I was quite happy with everything. Now I handed over to Niall.

Niall's pov- I could tell Lauren was tired of this and still extremely scared, so I planed on getting this over and done with quickly. Once again the mouth prop was inserted into her mouth and only used my mirror and explorer, not even 2 minutes later I was finished. "We'll from the quick examination I can tell Lauren has an overbite of about 3 millimetres and slight crowing in both upper and lower jaw. Nothing major but still can be fixed with some braces", I told everyone the verdict.

Lauren's pov- finally it's over. That was the longest 30 minutes in your life. Liam untied the restraints and finally you was free. Getting up out of the chair your brother Louis embraced you in the biggest hug possible. Whispering soothing thoughts into your ear whilst playing with your hair. "Okay baby girl, I think it's time we go shopping. And you can get what ever you like".

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