Harry bsm dentist

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You sat down on the couch in the living room, watching tv, whilst your big brother Harry and all his friends Niall, Louis, Liam and Zayn sat in the kitchen talking about something important. Taking a bite into some cashews a sharp pain but throbbing pain filled the back of your mouth, trying not to show the pain you brushed it off and chucked the remaining cashews on the table in front of you.

"Another wobbly took love?", Louis asked as this caught his attention. You shrugged your shoulders as you knew exactly what it was, and headed out towards the kitchen, to get a drink. Louis got a iced water straight out of the fridge and handed it over. Taking one swift drink, your tooth ached even more as the ice cold water made it even more sensitive. Louis crossed his arms in front of you and gave you that sassy smile, just like he had planned all of this. "Just wait until your brother finds out".


There was a knock on your door, which immediately woke you up. Not long after a ditch formed at the side of your bed where someone sat, it was Harry. "Y/n it's time to get up honey, you have an appointment today". "No. I Don't wanna ", you dragged out into a moan, whilst ripping the blankets back over top of your exposed body. "Y/n, please, your (your age) years old, can you at least do this for me?", your big brother Harry literally begged of you. Eventually you gave in and got up out of bed to go get ready.

You tried everything possible, to get your self out of the dentist appointment your brother Harry had set up for you at his and his friends (Niall, Zayn, Louis and Liam) office. See you thought if you could make out you was "sick" you would have gotten out of the appointment. But no of cause it wouldn't work, but hey at least you get a day off of school right?

Before you know it your sitting in your brother Harry's Range Rover, on the way to the dentist. Staring out of the window Harry and Liam attempted to make small chat with you but you just didn't answer.

After a 40 minutes drive, you was literally being dragged out of the car by Harry and into his office. Placing you into a chair, Louis and Zayn came into the room. "Okay so we are just going to start with some X-rays. Okay honey?", Zayn asked as Louis placed these things inside your mouth and put a machine up close to your mouth.

With a few simple clicks, Zayn removed the things inside your mouth. Suspense from Louis and Zayn's humming and whispering filled the room. Not telling you anything, both of them left leaving you in the room all alone, to think about what could be happening.

- I should have told Harry earlier about my tooth ache. What happens if they have to pull it out. Is it going to hurt?- a million different thoughts ran through your head but was soon disrupted when Niall came inside the room with a tray full of unusual looking tools, with lots of little bottle brush looking sticks.

"Wh-what's all that for?", you stuttered out whilst glancing down at the tray. Picking up a bib, Niall came over and placed it around your neck. "Well that cavity of your is worst than what it sounds like, so your brother and I are going to give that tooth a root canal, it's the best way especially if you want to keep that tooth."Just after Niall said that harry walked in with a worried expression on his face. "Ok so why don't we get started then", Harry said taking a seat along with Niall.

Lets just say that was the first time either Harry or Niall had seen a patient silently cry the whole way through a root canal, and at the end break out int tears.

Sorry I haven't updated in forages and I kinda forgot who requested this but thanks to who did. Don't forget to vote and comment and also if you have twitter head on over and follow my account @officialwatpad1. Yes only 1 T. Thanks a lot

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