Imagine request for @Niallersgirl20 Niall goes to the dentist

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Kristyn's pov- it was the big day both you and especially Niall had been dreading for the past couple of weeks. His big dentist appointment. "Ni, it's time to get up", you said lightly shaking him out of sleep. "What time is it?", he groggily asked. "It's time to get up and get ready. You have your appointment remember?", you said raising an eyebrow. Only to see your groaning Boyfriend, attempt to cover him self up with the doña. "I don't think so", you laughed out as you ripped the doña back off of him.

Some how you managed to get Niall up and at em. You literally had to drag him down the stairs and into his own car, which was quite hard as he weighs so much more then you. Small talk was made in the car ride and it mostly consisted of, "I'm hungry, why can't I eat anything?, please can I just have something small?, we just passed the bakery!". As part of the procedure Niall was about to have, he's not aloud to eat anything for 7 hours.

Once you both arrived at the dentist again you had to drag him into the office and up to the front desk. There was a couple of children sitting around with sad faces and there parents by their side. "Hi Niall Horan's here for his appointment with Dr. Atkins @ 9:00." The young lady with the black specs checked Niall in and announced that Dr. Atkins was running a little behind. You thought great this is going to make Niall's nervous even works, but instead you thanked her and took Niall over towards the free seats.

After 10 minutes of heavy breathing, sweaty palms and shaking limbs, Dr. Atkins came down the hall out of no where with a clip board and pen. "Ah, Niall Horan?" He asked looking around until he spotted us. "Babe, that's you", you said to Niall shaking him off you and pulling his body up and over to the Dr. "Hello Niall, I'm Dr. Atkins and I'll be doing your root canal procedure today. If you'd like to follow me down this way then?", the Dr said before he started showing the way to Niall.

"Good luck babe", you called out quickly only for Niall to spin around and realise you wasn't coming with him. His face went pale and he span back around to the Dr, "would my girlfriend Kristyn be able to come with me?". Dr. Atkins gave Niall a sad look, "unfortunately I prefer when it's just me and the patient as it gives us more room to work in." "It's fine Ni, I'm just right out side", you yelled down the corridor getting a few crazy looks from the parents and some stares from the children.

Niall's pov- "now Niall you just take a seat in the chair", Dr. Atkins said whilst gathering together a tray of tools. Placing the tools down by the side of me he picked up the paper bib and placed it around my neck. "Now Niall generally to patients like you I'd give them a little laughing gas, but on your record it shoes that you have reaction to it. So today I'm just going to inject some novocain", he said picking up the needle and placing it in his hand.

I laid flat on my back up in the air as the Dr continually asked for me to open my mouth, which I gladly refused to. I didn't want to have 4 needles pocked into my gums . Trust me I don't think anyone does. After 5 minutes he finally gave up, "okay what if I let you have your girlfriend in here with you? Will you cooperate then?". I guess that's the closet I'm going to get of pleasure out of this place. Not long after Kristyn made her way into the room and took a seat down next to me where she held my hand tightly.

Now obeying his orders I opened my shaky mouth, and the first needle was brought in closer. "Ok you ready Niall? I'm going to inject 4 needles to start with. 3, 2, 1." The point of the needle was inserted into my gums, it was stinging way to much and my poor mouth couldn't handle it. Squeezing kristyns hand as hard as I could my mouth family snapped shut, biting into the dentists hand and hard. "Ouch", Dr. Atkins yelped as he pulled his hand out of my mouth.

"We can't have you doing that again", he said picking a mouth prop off of the tray next to me and inserting it inside my mouth then he continued with the 3 other needles. My mouth had gone completely numb, looking at Kristyn she was trying her hardest not to laugh to loud, I didn't understand why though. Strange. The dentist came back in and sat back on the stool. "Okay so the procedures simple really. I'm going to put this rubber dam inside and clamp off the single tooth. After that I'll drill into the tooth and then with these little wire brushes scrape out all the puss/nerves.ill fill up the tooth and then take some X-rays to make sure everything's fine."

Laying back down a rubber dam was inserted and the tooth was clamped off. The wizzing sound of the drill started up, even though you couldn't feel anything, the bur of the drill made its way inside my tooth and drilling away my tooth. There was nothing else I could think of doing, so the tears came along. After about 5 minutes the noise stopped and out of the corner of your eye you could see these little wire like brushes being picked up and placed inside your mouth. The noise scratched through my ears and just the sound made me shiver. Even Kristyn had a horrible look on her face.

Kristyns pov- "Ok so we are all done now. I just want to take a couple of x rays first." For the first time in an hour, a crying Niall had been forced to let go of my hand, whilst the x rays where being taken. Once done I went and took a seat back in the room with Niall. "Hmm, huh, well well well Niall, it looks like you have got your self 3 more cavity. And they look fairly deep. The best thing for these types of cavities are to have the tooth it's self removed. And as your still numbed out I can do it now."

The look on Niall's face was priceless and once again came the tears. The least I could do was comfort him, as the dentist got his tools ready and took a seat back down on his stool, behind Niall's head. Niall still having the mouth prop inserted made the job a whole lot easier for Dr. Atkins. He picked up his pliers and with a quick couple of snaps and wiggles the first tooth was out. Once all three where out he stitched together his gums and placed gauze over the tops of the sockets. "And your free to go Mr Horan. But just before you leave I'd like to see to in a week so I can remove the stitches."

And with that you said good bye and thank you to the dentist for putting up with Niall. And you cradled your teary eyed baby boyfriend out to the car and home where you waited on him for the next couple of days.

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