Bsm- dentist

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It was that time of the year again, your annual dental check up. And lets just say your petrified of the dentist but you really didn't have much of a chose, because your twin brother Liam was a dentist.

Anyways you hid under the covers in your bed just like every other time, until someone comes barging into the room and ripping back the covers.

"(A/n) time to get up." Louis yelled at you whilst picking you up and chucking you over his shoulder just like you weighed nothing and took you down to the lounge room. Placing you on the lounge they told you to go get ready and you gladly agreed.

Out of no where Louis and Liam burst through the door and dray you down the stairs and out the door to the car. The drive to Liam's office was horrible with both of them teasing you, I hope you've been brushing, are you going to see the drill today and all that, it got so bad you was crying at one point.

Slung over Louis shoulder you was forced not to yell and scream not even being greeted by the receptionist on the way in. Everybody new that you was cooking today and they were prepared.

Being placed into the dentist chair you was greeted by Niall, Harry and Zayn. Lets just say they all work for Liam here and they weren't prepared to have his little sister put it over them.

Harry and Zayn held you down, as Liam, Niall and Louis went and put on their gloves and gathered their tools. See Liam was the dentist, Niall was the orthodontist and Louis was the assistant. And yes you had braces to make it worse.

Liam tapped on your lips patiently waiting for you to open up, but much to your announce harry had to hold your mouth open because all you would do is refuse. Liam placed his big hands and tools in your mouth and ran them along all your teeth, sending chills right thought you as the metal collided with your teeth.

"(A/n) what have I told, you need to brush more, and your back left molar is starting to go grey which could be the first sign of tooth decay aka a cavity." All you could do was freak out but then you just wanted to get this over and done with. Now it was Niall's turn.

Harry still held your mouth open as Niall took off your bands and wires, every so slowly replacing them and tightening them to the point of you screaming and crying.

When it was all over all you could do was lay in the chair crying to your twin brother as he hugged you and tried to make you feel better.

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