Cjoyce411- ddm Liam is your dad doctor

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Cjoyce411- ddm Liam is your dad doctor

"Higher daddy! Higher!", the swing raised higher and higher with every push int the sky. Your tiny little palms started to get sweaty as they gripped the steel chains on each side of you. "Ahhh", you screamed flying off of the swing and high up into the air. "Thump", you hit the ground hard landing face first into the ground, but straight on your right arm, which broke the fall and received most of the shock and pressure.

"Y/n!?", your dad yelled loudly running straight towards you and getting down on the ground with you. The tears started beaming out of you tightly squeezed eyes, the pain to much to take from the fall. Your dads soft gentle hands grabbed your arms softly and started feeling around. "I have to get yo to the hospital right away", he said picking you up and carrying you to the car.

Reaching the hospital youse went straight inside. "Dr Payne, I thought you where off duty today?", one of the nurses asked as he carried to down the hall. "My daughters broken her arm", he yelled back. Broken arm? He sat you down on his examination table and ordered an portable X-ray machine as soon as possible. Not long after it was brought down.

Your dad forced you to place your sore arm out in various directions and positions, which where almost impossible from the amount of pain which it was causing. "It looks like we won't be playing on that swing for a while", your dad laughed as he officially announced that you had broken your arm. He got all the equipment and tools ready to start making the cast, but first of all he had to make sure the bone was in the right position. Your dads hands moved up and down your arm applying pressure and pushing as hard as he could, until he was finally happy with the positioning of the bone.

Dispute the amount of pain you was in you picked your favourite colour for your cast and your dad got set to work, plastering your broken bone back into the right position where it will heal again. Once done he made sure to give you some pain killers and he was the first one to sign your cast. ~I love you more then that swing did xoxo daddy~ he write with a smiley face a the end. Despite the pain you couldn't wait to show off your new colourful cast and for show and tell at school on Monday.

Sorry if its crap.

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