Imagine for dwtshough- Niall forgets your birthday

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Imagine for dwtshough- Niall forgets your birthday

It was the time of the year again both yours and Niall's birthday, the special day the both of youse got to share together. But this time Niall was away on tour in Australia. You had decided to surprise him and make your way over to Australia a couple days earlier. Touching down in Sydney, you made it towards the exist to be meet with Paul who had taken you to the hotel the boys where staying at and of cause gave you a key to get into Niall's room.

Once inside you dropped your bags and dropped on top of the bed and that's where you stayed for at least 3 hours. The door clicked and the handle moved downwards with the door opening up there stood Niall. "Brye? Oh my god what are you doing here?", he asked closing the door and running over to you, embarrassing you in that famous Horan hug everyone wishes for. "I came to wish you a happy birthday", you said kissing him. The kiss deepened but was interrupted by a knock at the door. "Brye?", Liam, Harry and Louis yelled storming into the room kissing and hugging you. "Oh Niall, we have to get going for the concert", Liam said.

Both you and Niall quickly got changed and joined the rest of the boys in the van and youse made your way to the stadium. "So Niall how's your birthday been so far?", Louis asked. "Great, the best part was Brye sitting in my room". "Your not forgetting something special are you?", Louis asked hinting your own birthday which Niall still hasn't wished you. It's like he had forgotten all about it. This had upset you but you just had to fight back the tears and act like nothing's wrong. The car ride was shorter then expected and we all unloaded making our way to the stage where thousands of chanting fans sounded the stadium.

You stayed on the side of the stage tucked away just enough to be hidden from the thousands of fans, whilst the boys went on stage and worked their magic. All of a sudden one lucky fan and their poster where displayed on screens. The sign brought tears to my eyes and managed to make Niall stop and read what it said. "Have an amazing birthday Brye and Niall #briallslaybday". There was a pause and Niall's stoped everything. "Thankyou everyone for the birthday wishes but it seems I have forgotten something important. Brye? Want to come out for me?", Niall asked.

You walked out onto the stage and down towards Niall. "Yes love I did forget about your birthday, and I'm so sorry. But I was walking around earlier and a certain shop caught my eye, and in that shop was the one thing I have been looking for." Niall pulled his guitar off and got down on one knee, the whole crowd started crying and screaming. "Will you Brye do me the honours of marrying me?", he asked pulling out a beautiful white gold diamond ring. Speechless you managed to squeeze out a yes and Niall slipped the beautiful ring on your finger. "This is a birthday neither of us will forget", Niall chuckled getting back up and kissing you. 

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