Imagine for nixllwifi- gynaecologist

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Imagine for nixllwifi- gynaecologist

You knew it had to be done especially once you started having sex means visiting the gynaecologist is a must do. And that's what you did, made your first ever appointment at the local doctors office to visit the gynaecologist. Nervous as hell you picked up your car keys, headed outside and drove to the local clinic for your 2 o'clock appointment with the female gynaecologist Dr Trasmic. Pulling the car into the 45 degree slot you locked up the car and headed inside to the receptionist desk.

"Hi i have an appointment with Dr Trasmic for 2 o'clock?", You questioned the male receptionist. "Uuuuggghhh y/f/n y/l/n?", he questioned your name. "Yep", you said popping the p. "Great, Dr Trasmic called in sick today but we where lucky enough to get a replacement. So just take a seat and a nurse will call you back soon", the receptionist said pointing you towards the waiting room. You went and took a seat in the waiting room, only to be called back by the nurse. "Okay sweetie, just pop in and put the gown on, oh and make sure to take your nickers off. When your ready just slightly open the door and take a seat next to the desk and the Dr will be in soon", the nurse smiled closing the door.

Slipping off all your clothes except for your bra you slipped the gown back over your figure, cracked the door and took a seat next to the Drs desk. Many thoughts ran through your mind scared shitless, the nervous biting of your fingernails started until the door swung open revealing a familiar male figure. "Hi I'm Dr Horan", he said taking a seat and turning around to face you. It hit you, he was in your classes at school and your high school crush. His baby like face still looked the same along with his dirty blonde hair. "Y/n, I think we went to school together. It's Niall right?", you questioned Dr Horan. "Yeah, you was the short blonde with the glassed and braces?", he questioned looking you up and down. "Yeah", you blushed looking down. "Why haven't you changed. Hotter then I remember", he said leaving you confused before saying he had to start the exam.

"So this is your first time?", Niall asked whilst opening cupboards and draws and collecting the tools he needed. "Yeah", you squeaked out scared of what was about to happen. "Ok so I'll talk you threw everything I do, because I know this is going to be super awkward, trust me I look at all different vaginas daily and I'm male", Niall said making you chuckle. "So to start off with I want you to get up into this lovely bed chair thing for me". You got up in the chair thing just as Niall said. "Now I'm going to need you to scoot your bum all the way down to the edge of the chair so I can get a better look", he said whilst you scooted down and he unfolded these weird pedal like things.

"What are those for?", you questioned getting scared. "These are so you can rest your feet and also give me a better look as your legs will be further apart". You placed your feet onto he cold metal. "That's great", Niall said and with his gloved hands he placed them between your thighs gently pushing your legs apart. His hand flew up and grabbed a overhead light positioning it and turning it on. "So this tool is just to widen your vaginitis which will give me a better look", Niall said picking up a stainless steal scary tool and lubing it up. The cool metal slipped inside your vagina surprising you, "it's cold", you said shakily. "I'm sorry", Niall said comforting you by rubbing your thighs. He started widening the tool, the pressure begging to turn to pain. "Ow ow ow", you cried out, immediately Niall stopped and apologised.

"So I'll just have a quick look and take some small samples of your cervix and we are done for this appointment", Niall said whilst having a look and scraping the inside of your cervix with a little brush on a stick. "Done", he said removing the now warm stainless steel widener. Getting up off the chair bed thing and pulling your gown back over your self. "Thanks Dr Horan", you said shaking his hand. "Not a problem, I'll have those test results sent away and hopefully the results will be back to you as soon as possible". And with that youse exchanged numbers and went on with your normal day life. 

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