Imagine for anjugangania

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Imagine for @anjugangania

"What have I told you sweetie?"
"I know mother. I'm 20 years old now and can look after myself, which includes routine doctor and dentist checkups", I sighed into the small iPhone as my mother had defeated me once again.
"Well if your smart enough Anjali you would have made an appointment before letting it get so bad. Common sense girl. Now once I hang up I'm want you to make an emergency appointment with one of the offices".
"Yes mum".
The over end of the phone disconnected soon after, leaving me in a puddle of mess I had gotten myself into.
With a few quick google searches of local dentist around Holmes chapel an emergency clinic popped up.
Dialling the number I soon had an appointment with a doctor Harry Styles for 20 minutes.

"Anjali Singh?", my name being called into the fairly busy waiting room cached my attention.
Sitting the 4 year old home and beauty magazine back onto the rose gold coffee I made my way over to the small perique female.
"Okay honey, all the paperwork looks good and your health insurance is going to be covering your appointment today."
A sigh of relief washed over me, thank god I didn't have the money anyways.
"So if you head down the corridor and it's the second room on your left."
Thanking the woman I headed off in the directions she had given me.
With Dr. H.Styles clearly marked across the middle of the door I tapped lightly before hearing a soft "come in".

Gently pushing open the door a large figured, long curly haired man sat at his desk behind a large computer.
"Just take a seat for me, Ms Singh", he pointed towards the chair In front of his desk.
The overpowering smell of disinfectant and sterile equipment filled my nose as I took a seat in front of me.
"I'm Dr. Styles, but just call me Harry. Nice to meet you", he smiled extending his large hand which I gladly shook.
"Before we get started, I'm just going to go over the paper work you filled out and add a couple extras into the computer, considering its your first time here."
Nodding understandingly i prepared myself to answer any questions Harry threw at me.
"Full names Anjali Singh?", I nodded.
"Date of birth is __/__/1996?", again I nodded my head.
"Your with a private health fund?".
"Yes. The women out the front told me anything I should have done here today will be covered, since I haven't visited a dentist in a long time."
"How longs long?", Harry asked jotting down everything I had said.
"Around 3 to 4 years?", I answered receiving a concerning look.
"Okay then. One last question before we start. Have you had any previous dental procedures, alignments or problems?".
"I have a couple of fillings and I'm pretty sure my 2 bottom wisdom where removed when I was 15".

"Alright then, if you could go take a seat in that lovely chair for me whilst I get some stuff ready?", Harry clapped his hands together and rubbed them around.
Taking a seat in the chair a sterile blue sheet was clipped around my neck before he started gathering his tools together.
"So what brings you here today? Just a checkup or is there a problem?", he asked whilst he walked around the room carrying a metal tray with tools perfectly laid out across the blue sheet.
"I've been having pain on both top sides. I think it may be my wisdom teeth."
With a snap of rubber gloves and the chair reclining, Harry rolled over placing his knee under the headrest and clicking on the over head light.
"Well let's see what I can do then. Open wide for me?".
Intwined between his fingers held an rather large hooked explorer, accompanied by the all familiar mirror.
The cool to the touch metal tools gently tapped and scrapped away at each tooth.
"I have to say for so,some who hasn't been to the dentist your teeth are in an okay state. Naturally there is plaque build up and your very back gums a very enflamed on your top jaw."
Harry announced as he put down his tools and set up the X-ray films.

The X-rays where taken and in the process of developing.
"I'll give you a quick cleaning and then we will check out those X-rays okay?", Harry asked as he set up the necessary tools for a cleaning.
The water pick was first. Spraying away at my gums, lifting and removing any stubborn plaque.
Both in front and behind each tooth was then polished with a gritty mint flavoured paste before washing away the excess and asking for me to spit.
"Great. Let's have a look at these X-rays then".
Turning around in my chair I watched over Harry's shoulder as he clicked on the X-rays and viewed them closely.
Pulling up a highlighter tool, Harry carefully circled around two spots at the back of my mouth.
"Your very right my darling", his face clearly concerned.
"These two wisdom teeth that have been trying their hardest to come in, have no room to go. As you can see by the X-rays they are infected, and visible enflamed and sore to the touch."
Harry clicked his way out of the X-rays and to a timetable sort of sheet.
He quickly booked each appointment slot out and returned to the X-rays.
"So what's going to happen then?", I asked clearly worried now.
"If you don't mind me doing the procedure I'd like to remove the two impacted wisdom teeth now. It's just keeping the teeth in any longer can cause very serious health problems and even death because they are infected."
"Okay", I agreed for the procedure to be done straight away.

"You've had the other wisdom teeth out before, do you remember if they just numbed you or knocked you out?", Harry asked as he raised from the stool once again gathering more tools and equipment.
"They just numbed me, but the medicine started to wear off throughout the procedure".
"You don't mind if I knock you out? It's just your got infections and you'll be lucky to even get numb if I tried. And of cause you won't feel anything".
"I have no one to take me home", i weakly smiled as Harry rolled his stool to the right side of me and took ahold of my arm.
"A mate brought me here today, how about I drive your car home with you?", Harry asked whilst tapping my arm down to the rest.
"That be great", I said as Harry rubbed an alcohol wipe over my hand.
"This is going to sting when I insert the iv, just a pre warning".
Watching closely he inserted a small iv needle into the back of my hand and tapped it down. Leaning over to the tray he picked up four syringes.
"Okay I'll see you when you wake up then Anjali", he smiled warmly whilst inserting the first, second, third and finally the fourth syringe into the iv.
Everything started to become a blur as the chair I sat in once again reclined.
The bright light flicked on and my mouth was forced open by Harry's fingers and a block was inserted.
But just before I lost everything, a sharp scalpel was put inside my mouth as it cut away at my gums everything went black.

Waking up to the sight of blood everywhere and that handsome dentist taking off blood covered gloves sent chills down my spine.
"Anjali your awake", he smiled coming over and removing a small iv from the back of my hand.
"Are you my boyfriend?", I tried asking through the blood soaked gauze in my mouth.
"No but I can be if you want me to", he wiggled his eyebrows whilst putting away chisel and wrench like tools.
"Let me change your gauze and then I can take you home okay?", he asked whilst I opened my mouth for him to replace the gauze.
Not long after Harry led me out into the car park where my small yellow Suzuki swift sat with a ticket on front. Disappointed I was after I found the sign that read two hour parking only.
"Don't worry about it, I'll pay it for you", Harry said folding it up and placing it inside his duffle bag that hung over his light blue scrubs.
"So Dr. Styles, how do you know where I live?", I asked clearly confused.
"Are you a secret agent?".
"Nope, I'm a dentist by day and a carer by night, oh and your address is in your file dummy", he smiled keeping his eyes on the road.
It wasn't long before we where outside my apartment.
Harry offered to stay the night and care for you, which he did very well.
Soft foods and plenty of soup and ice cream the two of us snuggled up on the couch watching movies all afternoon and eventually falling asleep on each other once those pain medication kicked in.

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