Imagine for- dugs16- Niall cheats

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Imagine for- dugs16- Niall cheats

It was late in the night before the subway was up and running again due to a freak storm, pilling onto the train you waited another 20 minutes for your destination. Running through the rain and up into the apartment buildings, you headed for the elevators and hit the button for the 6th floor. Raver going around inside you handbag you picked up your keys and placed them in the lock door and turning the handle.

"Im h-", you was about to say before being cut off by a strange noise. Quietly placing down your bag on the table you followed the noise to yours and Niall's shared bedroom. Flicking the light on you couldn't believe what was unfolding right in front of you, "Niall?". There was Niall on top of not only another girl but your best friend Rebecca. "Get out now, out, out, out", you yelled viscously ripping the sheets of the bed as both Niall and Rebecca scurried around trying to cover them selves up.

Rebecca ran out the door leaving you and Niall there to sort stuff out. "Im sorry Alicia", Niall said coming at you. "No", you said pushing him away, "sorry for what? Not being the dad in your daughters life?", you stated rushing around and collecting clothes. Niall stood there frozen, "daughter?", he questioned. "Yes your unborn daughter", you yelled back. "Oh my god that explains everything, please give me a second chance?", Niall begged. You knew you couldn't do what you had planned and gave in. "One more time and we are done", you warned Niall. "Thank you", he hugged back kissing both you and your stomach.

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