One direction imagines- sex toys

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Harry- you and Harry was commonly known as the sex gods, well that's what youse liked to think. Every month, as soon as you got off of your period it was sort of an tradition now, to go toy shopping. Not your normal toy shopping either, but sex toy shopping. Youse made your way down to the sex shop, where both of youse went into the shop and picked out an new toy. Walking up and down each isle one thing stood out the most to you. An vibrator. This was not any ordinary vibrator, but the latest version. "Harry look!" You said getting just an little excited. "Do you timber what happened to the last on?" He asked with an smirk on his face. But you clearly remembered what happened. It was your birthday, and Harry had decide he was going fuck you all night until you was red roar and couldn't even stand. Your night was going fine, until he stuck your vibrator in you and went an little to hard. Your vibrator had broke from over working it and snapped off right inside of you. This resulted in an awkward trip to the er to have it removed. "Yeah" you said sheepishly. "Well then we are getting it" he said back getting an little worked up and horny at the thought of you with an vibrator.

Zayn- Zayn was badly into this sort of stuff, and just the thought of it made him hard. The toys Zayn had was so bad ass, just for his badass girlfriend. You was into it too and just the thought of the different toys made you soaking wet. Having toys for all different purposes like for Christmas, Easter, Halloween, birthdays, and even just the casual. But both of yours favourite would have to be Halloween. But only because you was chained up all night being fucked and having all sorts of toys stuck inside of you. Your screams of pleasure being muffled by an mouth piece that Zayn loved to use on you. By the next day both of youse would be exhausted, sweaty, messy haired, dehydrated and covered in each others cum, loosing count of how many time both of youse squirted on each other. And the room, lets not even talk about it, it was an complete mess that would take days to clean and especially get the cum stains off of everything. Throughout the night youse would have tried out over 20 different sex toys. Which both of youse absolutely loved.

Niall and Louis- Niall didn't mind sharing you when it came to having an threesome with his band mate Louis. You was kind of an sex toy for both of them, but deep down you knew Niall loved you, and he new deep down you was his princess. and well Louis was just in it for the great sex. When it came to sex toys, youse had many. Always going on tour around the world with the band you'd make sure you'd always make your way to an local sex store. In every town and country there would be something new and exciting just waiting for youse to buy. Youse also loved to experiment, making sure every toy was used no matter what. And when yo stopped in North America an certain suit caught your eye and you new you had to have it. An latex rubber suit, completed with an face mark and zippers for down below. (If any of you guys have seen American horror story- season one- the rubber man, it's much like that). As soon as you got back on the tour bus and showed the boys they new they was going to be having some great fun tonight, and couldn't wait to try the suit out.

Liam- Liam was the good boy, and being the good boy he is he never believed in these sort of stuff. He always preferred the natural way, without the sex toys. But you was different. You always had an thing for the toys, and the minute they was mentioned it made you wetter then an sponge. And you planned to corrupt your little good boy with your ways. Going down to the local sex shop, you went and explored looking for some toys that you know will excite you and also Liam. After keeping it simple to start off with you picked 3- an vibrator, some handcuffs and an cock vibrator (not forgetting about Liam). Going home, you got ready and awaited for Liam to come home which would be around 4pm. Putting on your sexy clothes, you sat on the lounge and stuck the vibrator inside of you, making you wet and scram out in pleasure. Not long after the door was being knocked down by an fierce Liam. He stopped in front of you smirking like hell, and then his cock started to rise. "Why don't you come join me, I've got some toys for you too", you said suductivley, knowing you had finally corrupted your sweet innocent boy.

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