One direction bsm dentist part 3

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The time everyone fears in their teenage years had finally came. And to make matters a lot worst 1- your brother and all of his friends are dentist and 2- you've had braces for 3 years, and you really didn't want your wisdom teeth wrecking the only decent smile you've ever had.

It was your movie night at the house which consisted of everyone. Niall had brought most the food, Harry, Louis and your brother Liam had picked an bunch of movies and Zayn he brought a slush ice machine. Youse all sat around the tv watching the newest scary movie Annabelle, all with your own bowl of assorted lollies.

As you was taking an bite of a gummy bear an excruciating pain was releases at the very far back of your mouth. You let out an little scream from the pain and not the movie. "Oh come on y/n that wasn't even scary, woman up now", your big brother Liam teased you.

No expected anything as you yelped throughout the movie, all of them thinking you was just scared. But by the time the end of the movie came you was still yelping. Zayn got up off the floor and switched the light on and was the first to notice you. "Y/n, what's the matter?", he asked sincerely.

Now everyone was looking at you, which equals not good at all. "Are you alright y/n? Your crying!", Your big brother Liam asked. It wasn't everyday you cried and no one even knew you could cry. You and Niall had always had an connection and when he asked you to come to your room for a talk you agreed.

"Now y/n, you have to tell me what's going on now, so I can try and help you out", Niall begged of you. You hesitated for an moment but as soon as Niall gave you the puppy dog eyes you couldn't resist. "Okay all my gums at the very back of my mouth are hurting really bad, but don't tell Liam, he will want to play dentist on them", You gushed out quickly hopping Niall wouldn't understand an thing.

He put braked into laughter, "Y/n you do know I went through dental school too!". "I know you quickly snapped, "and if I remembered correctly I didn't want to tell anyone to start with", you said folding your arms in front of you. Niall slowly came of of his fit of laughter and with one swift move pulled his iPhone right out of his pocket.

"Open up and let me have a look?", he questioned as he turned the torch on on his iPhone. "Only if you promise not to touch anything", "promise". And with that Niall placed his soft hand under your bottom jaw and tilted your head back into an good position.

After a couple of minutes he turned off the light. "So?", Niall looked sadly towards you, "I'm afraid your wisdom teeth are becoming infected inside the jaw because they can't surface. If you leave it any longer you will be looking at a really big operation to remove them, and you don't want to mess that lovely smile I gave you up, do you?". You shook your head no.......

A/n of course I'll make an part 4 can't just finish it off like that. If you enjoyed this don't forget to check out my other book dental direction. Keep the requests coming.

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