Bsm/preference- you get your period

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Harry- youse where the only ones home at the time, and you weren't expecting to get your period for another week, this meant that you was not prepared. Calling your big brother Harry and telling him about your situation, not even an hour later he was home and he brought with him 4 different types of pads, a packet of pain killer, some movies and of course the chocolate. When it comes to this sort of stuff your big brother is the one to call.

Louis- having two older sisters you'd think you would be prospered for this sort of stuff, but you never thought Mother Nature was going to unleash her powers on you, today, and especially not when shopping with Louis. Both of youse where picking out some clothes when Louis noticed a red splotch on he back of your white denim jeans. Quickly he brought you a new pair of pants and then walked behind you as you went to the toilets. Outs then went and brought a packet of pads and brought them to you in the toilet. Avoiding the looks he was being given from the other ladies.

Liam- being the typical daddy, Liam made sure you knew about his sort of stuff and even drilled it into you about carrying pads/tampons around with you at all times, just incase. Getting your period at school, you went to the toilets, but when it came to it you found out you had forgotten to pack some. Not knowing what to do, you rang Liam. Immediately he came and picked you up at school and took ou home so you could fix your self up.

Zayn- Zayn was always the chilled out one and when it came to this he always said he was to cool, but when you found out you had your period whilst staying at his place you discovered a whole different side to him. Freaking out him self ha searched the house for any of Perrie's, but was in no luck, and had to resort to taking you out and buying some. You had never seen Zayn freak out before and get so embarrassed when buying you the pads.

Niall- today was saint Patrick's day and for all the Irish people this was like Christmas, Easter and their birthdays all came at once. But to day you had gotten your period and wasn't in the celebrating mood any more. Niall was running around going crazy, which was pissing you off. Exploding Niall car,ed down and got you to leak what was wrong. After finding out the reason you weren't all that happy he reluctantly stopped his party mode and instead sat down with you and watched movies for the rest of the day.

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