Imagine for lexi101601- hospital

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✔Imagine for lexi101601- hospital

Your pov-"Y/n? Are you okay?", a voice asked as the door opened and closed before a figure made their way over and sat on the end of the bed. "Who are you?", you asked groggily whilst wiping your eyes and looking in their direction. "It's me Liam", he laughed. "Li?", you asked sleepily. "Yeah honey?", he asked rubbing your back. "I feel like I'm going to-", cut off your head flew out of the bed and you vomited all over the floor boards.

Liam started squealing whilst you vomited, not long after Harry Niall and Louis ran into your room standing at the door watching the scene. Harry was all cool about it and ordered Niall to go get a bucket, Niall to go get some cleaning products and Liam to go get some medicine and a thermometer. They all brought back the stuff Harry wanted and Harry started cleaning up the mess. "Are you feeling alright?", he asked looking up at you. "Nnnooo", you dragged out feeling sicker. "I think we might have to take you up to the hospital", Harry said now siting on the end of your bed. "It'll be fine don't worry about me", you said rolling back over. "But I am, so tongue out I want to take you temp", sticking your tongue out he put the thermometer under and took you temp. "It's a little high, take these and I'll be back to check you out soon".

Harry left the room. You had never felt this sick in your life before and wished for it to just hurry up and pass. All of a sudden you felt the need to go to the toilet to have a pee, getting up you made your way out of your bedroom and down the hallway to the bathroom, looking and moving like a zombie. The bathroom door swung, scaring the shit out of you. "Y/n? Y/n?", Niall's voice sounded becoming fuzzy and everything go blurry.

Niall's pov- she started falling my reactions kicked in and I quickly caught y/n before she hit the ground. "Louis!!", I yelled. "Call an ambulance". Louis submerged from the corner "fuck", she said whilst pulling his phone out and dialling the emergence number. Liam and Harry walked inside confused as to why y/n was in my arms. "She collapsed and hasn't been responsive. The ambulance is on their way", I informed both Liam and Harry. It wasn't long before the ambulance arrived and had taken her away along with Liam as he is her brother.

Your pov- "what am I doing here?", you asked Liam who was sitting next to the bed. "Apparently you collapsed and Louis called the ambulance. The doctor checked you out, everything seems okay you've just catches a gastro bug. But they want you to stay in hospital under observation for the next couple of days", Liam said kissing your forehead. Just at that moment Harry, Louis and Niall walked through the door. "Y/n how you feeling", Louis asked. "Like shit", you chuckled back. The next couple of days consisted of vomiting and feeling light headed in a hospital, but with the support and help of the boys you made it through it. 

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