Imagine for Littlemissyambitious- gynaecologist Liam

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Imagine for Littlemissyambitious- gynaecologist Liam

Your dad always gave you the best and made sure that you had every appointment and check ups needed. This time it was the gynaecologist, this was your fifth time going but you was still scared, who wouldn't be? "Come on sweetie your going to be late", your dad yelled making you run down the stairs and jump in the awaiting car. It was a long silent drive to the office and once there you became a scared mess. "No, no, I don't want to", you cried as your dad literally had to drag you into the office. The nurses saw you coming and before your dad even had the chance to check you in, the nurses had taken you back to a different exam room, locking the door behind them selves when finished. Scared you sat on a seat which was provided, waiting for your regular old man to come in. Not to long after the door cracked open, revealing a younger looking man which you had never seen before.

"Hi I'm Dr Payne, I'll be replacing Dr Bellma today". You started freaking out at the fact of his name, Dr Payne as if the exam your about to go through isn't scary enough, but that name tops it all off. "So before we start I just have to go through a couple of questions and a document first, okay?", Dr Payne asked which you agreed to. "Are you comfortable having me do the exam? Or would you like a female nurse in the room during the exam?", he asked. "I'm fine with you doing the exam and no need for a nurse", you replied shakily. Dr Payne slid a piece of paper over towards you. "Just sign here then. It's just a safety precaution, we have had previous patients walk out of here and claiming that the male staff have touched them in ways. If you get what I mean", Dr Payne explained whilst you signed the paper. "Okay so have you had any problems with your period?", you shook your head no. "Are you sexually active?", this is the question you hated the most but knew you had to tell the truth. "Yes", you said. "Is there a chance you might be pregnant?", Dr Payne asked whilst he scribbled down on the paper. "No", you said knowing you had your period a week ago. "Okay then lets get started".

Dr Payne instructed you over to the bed chair thing which you shakily took your place on. "Could you please place your feet in these stirrups for me?", he questioned pulling out the devices for you to rest your feet in and have an open view. You placed your feet into the device but kept your legs shut whilst Dr Payne got his tools ready and lubed up his gloved hands. He took a seat in front of your legs and chuckled, ""y/n I'm going to need you to open your legs for me to be able to complete this exam". "I don't know if I can do this", you willingly admitted. "What's the matter?", Dr Payne asked getting off his seat and coming up to your face. "I'm scared Dr Payne", you admitted. "Call me Liam. And don't worry you've had these exams before. I'll be gentle", Liam said whilst taking his seat again.

"First I'm going to do a quick pelvic exam. Okay?", you nodded your head whilst you slowly parted your legs revealing your vagina. Liam slowly inserted two of his fingers inside of your vagina, as much as you didn't like the exams the feeling of his warm fingers inside of you excited you. Liam's fingers moved around inside of you whilst his free hand started applying pressure to your pelvic region. This process happened for 10 uncomfortable minutes. "Well everything seems good. How about we move onto the tests?", Liam asked waiting for permission. Again you shook your head yes and let Liam continue the exam. "I'm just going to insert this tool to widen your vagina for me to get a better view and collect the test results", Liam said picking up the tool to widen your vagina and lubing it up. Again he slowly inserted the tool inside you and started widening it until it clicked into place.

He brought the light down to get a better look, then picked up a bunch of small brush like tools which he used to get her the tests from your vagina walls and cervical just before putting them into vials with your name labeled clearly on them. "And we are done", Liam said apply as he removed the device and placed it back on the tray. He helped you up and out of the stirrups. "Okay so the test results should be ready in 2 days and we will either call you up or send you a letter with the results", Liam said before congratulating you on how well you did and left you to get changed. 

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