Imagine for habibaaessam- your in a accident

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Imagine for habibaaessam- your in a accident

It was Christmas Eve and you had to he'd out to get the last minute supplies for Christmas lunch you and Harry where putting on for your family and the rest of the boys. "Hey haz, you haven't seen my car keys have you?", you asked placing your handbag over your shoulder and searching for the keys. "Here we go", Harry said picking them up and handing them to you. "Don't be to long babe, want t give you a early christmas present", Harry winked whilst pinching your ass. "Won't be long", you yelled out closing the door.

After collecting the last minute supplies you needed for Christmas lunch you headed back out to the car and raced home. Until one stupid guy didn't give way to you and smashed right into the drivers side door causing a huge accident when cars followed to pile up in the behind of your car. Your hand rushed to the sharp shooting pain on your forehead. With blood running down both your forehead and hand you attempted to climb out of the car. Succeeding you crawled over to the side path and waited for the ambulance. "You fucking dickhead did you not see the fucking giveaway sign", you yelled at the guy who never gave away as he to laid on the ground. The ambulance soon arrived and took you off to the hospital.

It wasn't long before Harry was running around inside the hospital like a headless chicken. "Y/n, y/l/n", you could here him asking a nurse who must have pointed him in the right direction because he came rushing into the room. "Oh my god are you alright?", he asked taking a seat next to you. "Yeah I'm fine I just banged my head. The doctor said I'm right to leave once you signed the discharge papers for me", you smiled at Harry and that he done. "Lets get you home", he said helping you off of the bed and down to his car.

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