Request for- EmmaLogan4

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Raising money for your local children's hospital was a great deal to both you and your boyfreind Niall. You see Niall is one of the main doctors at the hospital and both of you together meant youse were always trying your hardest to raise money for the kids treatments, games and general foods and renovation cost. This time it was your idea to do a fun run, and not just any normal fun run but a bright light run. This was were people brought glow sticks and some how attached to their bodies etc, and ran in the dark.

The turn out was brilliant, even more then you had expected to see turn up. By 9pm everyone was ready to start the 3.5km run in the dark. And we where off, Niall was waiting at the half way line ready to hand out the water bottles and take a picture of the whole group, which you knew would be amazing.

Setting off you stayed in the middle of the group and almost medianly you started experiencing tummy pains, something you was very use to due to every time you exercised it happened. Getting half way to where Niall was waiting, you slowed down talking to him for a couple of minutes and then starting to job off again. All of a sudden there was a sharp indent in the road, causing your left foot to sink in further to the road and twist.

"Uuggghhh", you let out a quiet sound of pain falling half way to the ground grabbing your ankle. The first thing that came to your mind was that Niall a doctor will have to look a this. "Are you ok y/n?", Michael, Ashton, Luke and Calum asked stopping next to you sincerely worried. "Ahh yeah I'm just tying up my shoe lace", you lied knowing they where doctor friends of Niall's. And they set off jogging again. How am I going to get back to the finish line? You question your self instantly knowing your going to have to put on a brave face and with stand the pain as much as you can.

Standing up all your weight slouched to right side, attempting to make it easier for the pain and make it back to the finishing line. The stomach pains where back and made it even harder. You saw the finishing line in the distance, that's when you put your best face on and tried your hardest to walk normal. Niall didn't expect a thing when he came up to you, soon after everything was packed up and everyone was gone except for both you and Niall, who then went home around 11pm.

"I love you so much", Niall said to you getting into the bed that you was already in and kissing your cheek. His foot slid under the covers and hit your ankle straight away, causing you from 'wake up' from your fake sleep. You was a whimpering mess by now and Niall was a panicking mess, thinking he had done some thing to you. "What's wrong y/n?". You knew you had been caught out now and have no chance of getting out of this one.

Turing on the lights, Niall ripped back the bed sheets and revealed your ankle. "Omg y/n, what happened?", he asked worried as hell. "Did you do this in the light run?", he asked which you only nodded your head yes to reply. Niall got up and went and collected his doctor bag out of the cupboard in the spare room. And came back taking a seat on the end of the bed.

"Y/n, I'm gong to have to look and feel around to make sure you haven't chipped or broken any bones. Ok?". Squeezing your eyes shut as hard as you could, he started feeling around immense pain shooting through your ankle making you cry even harder. "The good thing is that it's only sprained, so I can get that wrapped up for you and have an X-ray taken tomorrow morning just to be sure". He wrapped up your ankle/foot and ordered for plenty of rest and to try and keep as much weight off kt as possible, until he brings home the crutches. That night, Niall ordered X-rays with his 4 friends, who just happened to be Ashton, Luke, Calum and Michael.

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