Imagine for meganlouis- ddm dr Ashton

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Imagine for meganlouis- ddm dr Ashton

"Fight! Fight! Fight!", a crowd chanted at they stood around in a circle. You threw your final punch before the other girl grabbed your wrist, twisting it until extreme amount of pain ripped through your wrist. "Uuuugggghhhh", you screamed out in pain falling to the ground and passing out. When your eyes started fluttering open the circle was broken and the male teacher had you in his arms. "Y/n are you alright? Where's it hurt?", he asked freaking out whilst looking you up and down. "My wrist", you cried out in pain. "Come on let's get you to the school nurse", he said picking you up and carrying you to office.

"Mum!", you cried out as the teacher put you down and you raced towards her. "What's wrong y/n?", your mum who happened to be the school nurse asked worried. "Their was a fight and my wrist it hurts and he pain won't go away", you cried into your mums arms. "Ssshh let me have a look. I'll take care of this", your mum said to the teacher dismissing him. Wiggling your but into a comfortable position on the cool cushioned table, you stuck your arm out to which your mum grabbed hold of. "Okay so what I'm going to do is move your wrist in different directions, if it hurts to much or you can't do it tell me straight away. Okay?", your mum asked as she started moving your wrist.

"Stop! Stop! Stop!", you yelled attempting to retract your wrist from your mum. "Honey I think I'm going to have to take you to the hospital to see your dad. It may be broken.", your mum said gathering her car keys and wallet. Youse soon arrived at the hospital and almost instantly you was able to get in with your dad. "Y/n what happened?", he asked worriedly when he called your name. "A girl at school, we had a fight and now this", you sniffled whilst holding your wrist up in front of yourself. Going back into the office, your mum explained to your dad everything and he couldn't bare to put you threw anymore pain. "Hi Jeff, yes it's Dr. Ashton. Can I please order an X-ray machine immediately? Yes room 202. Thank you".

Your dad ordered the machine and not long after the portable X-ray machine was in the room ready for the Dr. to use. After taking numerous X-rays in all sorts of uncomfortable positions, both your dad and mum could view the obvious bake in your wrist. "There is a small break which can be fixed with some plastering not surgery, thank god", they laughed. "It's not funny", you pouted as your mum prepped the bright green plaster sheets. Your dad positioned your hand in the right position and started plastering your wrist and half your hand and arm. "All done", your dad smiled tapping your fresh plaster. "Ooowwww", you cried at the pain. "Sorry sorry", he quickly said embracing you in a hug. 

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