Harry cheats imagine for narry178

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Harry cheats imagine for narry178-"I saw the way you looked in her eyes and at her breast Harry. I'm not stupid and Im smart enough to not stick around with you", you yelled tears threatening to spill out of your eyes. "Kath...", Harry's dark voice yelled as you slammed the door closed behind yourself. It was clear to you Harry was into someone else. You still loved him to pieces but knew it wasn't the right time to go back to the hotel room, so instead you just walked around the city. The scene kept replaying over and over in your mind. When the young women made her way over to your table at the charity ball and walked behind both you and Harry. "We'll isn't it Mr Harold Styles", she said suductivley totally ignoring the fact that you sat right next to him at the table. "Kath", she nodded in your direction and then going back to Harry. The way she leant over his shoulder with her breast hanging out as she whispered something in his ear, got you mad. Harry making it worse as he couldn't keep his eyes off both hers and her breast. And just before she walked away a small kiss was placed on his cheek. "What?", Harry questioned as you have him a death stare. "Not here!", you said getting up and walking away.It had now been an hour walking around outside in the freezing cold, it felt like your toes where going to fall off, so you gave into your self and made your way back to the hotel. The moment you walked inside the doors on the ground floor the warmness wrapped around your body. "How was your night?", the man in the elevator asked as you made your way up to the 8th floor. "It was just fantastic", you lied knowing that this guy could be paparazzi and didn't want to get this fight spreader everywhere. The elevator dinged and the doors opened. Pulling out the key card you was given you swiped it down on the door, the green light lighting up immediately. Pulling down on the door handle the door opened to reveal something you didn't want to see at all. Harry's naked torso hovering above a pair of breasts, whilst his hips buckled back and forth, a sheet covering there bottom halves. "I knew it was to good to be true", you yell whispered startling both Harry and the girl. Her head popped up straight away revealing the same girl who whispered in his ear at the charity ball. The tears finally where let free, "I loved you Harry, but you fucked it all up this time". Walking back out the door and down the hall to Liam and Sophia's room. Harshly knocking on the door, Liam finally opened it. "Can I come in?", you sobbed leaning into his shoulder and letting it all out. "What's wrong Kath?", Sophia asked coming out from the bathroom and seeing the state you was in. "It's Harry, right now he's in our room fucking some other girl he meet at the charity ball". Liam's face was priceless he gave me to Sophia and stormed out of the room. Moments later Harry was being dragged into the room with nothing but a sheet. "I'm so sorry Kath, I'm the stupid one. Every time something happens it's always my fault", he said running his finger through his messed up curls. Coming over to you he grabbed your tear stained face placing kisses all over you. "Give me one more chance, please", he begged. With a croaky voice you answered him, "one more time Harry. If you fuck up even the littlest bit it's over". Harry engulfed you into the hug that Niall always gives him. "I love you too much to loose you", it's true it was your only weakness in this relationship. "I love you too and starting now we will forget what just happened", Harry said which you gladly agreed to.

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