Canniff_mistakes- bsm fight with twin and Louis has to deal with it-

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Canniff_mistakes- bsm fight with twin and Louis has to deal with it-

You hated your life, it's like you where the sister Louis never had and it was starting to piss you off, especially Lottie. Where ever Louis went Lottie followed, always getting to meet other famous people, go to festivals and concerts, whilst you was always stuck in boring Doncaster 'STUDYING HARD', if you get what I mean. I thought twins stuck together, well in this case it's the other way around.

"Hurry up Lottie!! Other wise we will miss the plane", Louis called throughout the house distracting you from the television you was watching in the lounge room. You couldn't help it and got a little hot headed. "Your kidding me right?", you yell talked. Louis stood at the door near you with a what are you talking about look on his face. Lottie made her way down the hall followed closely by two suitcases. "Why does she always get to go all over the world with you, and here am sitting at home 24/7 and never been out of the United Kingdom", you yelled getting up from the couch making your way over to both Louis and Lottie.

Both Louis and Lottie stood there completely shocked. "Yeah that's right pretend I don't fucking exist. Want to know something Louis? I have never ever been to a one direction concert, I didn't even get to go to your live auditions on X factor, instead I sat at home and watched it on the television. Your fandom doesn't even know I exist," you yelled at Louis. "And you, your suppose to be my twin, instead you treat me like shit. I'm stuck at home whilst your off enjoying yourself with Louis and Niall all the time in Paris, America, Australia and all them other country's." tears started forming in your eyes it was true, everything was always about Lottie.

"Oh is that what all this is about?", Lottie questioned you with a gigantic smirk on her face. "Because you like Niall. Who you will never have a chance with, look at you. It's like mum got pregnant with twins to two different men, your a throwback to that Austin girl Georgia?". "Louis face dropped at what Lottie had just said. "Ignore her Carmyn, she's just being a bitch. This is the last time your commie with me, I think it's time Carmyn gets to travel the world", Louis sad before storming out the door with a backpack and sports bag, closely followed by Lottie who flicked her blonde before making a snobby pout.

2 hours later your phone buzzed alerting you of 2 new message, opening up your samsung galaxy s6 the message was from Louis. - I'm so sorry about earlier. I didn't know that you've never been out of the United Kingdom or even been to a one direction concert. Next time I'm taking you I promise- read the first text. The second was again from Louis - don't worry to much about Niall trust me he think Lottie is a spoilt brat and has absolutely no interest Lottie. I'm sure he will like you when you officially meet him for the first times-. You smiled to yourself about how sweet your big brother can be and his lovely was of solving arguments and fights which always accrue between you and your twin Lottie. 

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