Imagine for- alirayburn- 5sos- Michael sore throat

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Your little legs swung over the side of the bed, with your tippy toes you touched the floor. Standing up you tootled down the hall to your big brothers room, whilst clenching your throat. Standing up on your tippy toes you reached out for the handle, ever so gently pulling it down and swinging it open to reveal your big brother asleep in bed.

"Mikey?", you asked in a raspy voice whilst shaking his shoulder ever so gently. "Mikey wake up?", you said again, this time shaking his shoulder just a little bit harder. Groans started coming from his mouth and the movement of his body as he started to wake up. "Y/n? What's wrong baby girl?", Mikey asked attempting to rub his eyes and see clearer. With your hands you clenched around your throat. "My throat hurt Mikey", you whined at the amount of pain your throat was actually causing you. Straight away his hand shot out of the bed and to the side lamp and turned it on.

"Oh sissy, don't cry", Michael said whipping away the tears from your cheeks. He got up out of the bed and headed into his own bathroom, rattling thought the medicine cupboard where he pulled out the nurofen syrup. He came back this time with a medicine cup full of syrup, "here baby girl", he said helping pour it down your throat. "How about you get in my bed with me, and I'll check you out at the office tomorrow?", you nodded your head and climbed into Michael's bed which was still soft and warm, where you snuggled up in Mikey's arms.


Waking up the next morning your throat still had a dull itchy ache, which was still sore. Michael came up to his room getting you out of bed to take you to his office. "Do you want something to eat or drink?", your brother asked you. "My throat is still sore", you said shaking your head no. He took you down and put you I'm your car seat, to take you to his office where he will have a look at your throat.

~skip the car ride~ "take a seat sissy", Mikey said pulling out a kiddie chair next to your his big desk. He took a seat on his chair and picked up the thing he called a tongue depressor, but to you just looked like a paddle pop stick and a small torch. "Can you say ahhhh", he said sticking out his tongue. You did exactly what he asked you. "Hhhmmmm", he hummed as he pulled the paddle pop stick out of your mouth.

Your tonsils have a lot of puss on them and are really red. I'll get you the medicine before lunch, and why don't you go sit in the lunch room and play with the toys whilst you wait then?". You went up stairs to the,uncheck room where you sat and played on the iPad whilst sucking on a lemonade ice lock.

I'm sorry if its still shit if you can tell me what you thought about it would be great though. I really hope you liked it, or it's at least better then the old one. Xoxo.

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