Doctor imagine for fartingkitkat-

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Lately you haven't been feeling all to well, you thought it might have just been travel sickness to start with, but its your 3rd day in a row with the continues spewing, aching body and just generally sick. You knew you would have to go to a doctor sooner then later, but there was just one small thing... You had a fear of doctors.

"Babe, are you okay?", your boyfriend Niall of three years asked as he held your hair back out of your face, whilst bringing up your lunch. You nodded your head slowly as you groaned and used your hand to wipe your mouth clean. "Ally, are you sure? I think i should take you to my doctor and get you checked". Staring blankly at Niall he looked straight into your eyes and could literally see your fear.

The sides of his lips started turning upwards as if he was smirking. "Your scared aren't you?", Niall finally smirked. "I am not", you said back with a death stare. But like always somehow Niall convinced you into going and seeing the doctor. Ringing up the doctors office he made an appointment for Ally Horan, you smiled as you heard the name he gave them. To see Dr Styles.

"Hi, appointment for Ally Horan, with Dr Styles", Niall told the petite little lady behind the counter. "Yep, theres a 10-15 minute wait. And floor 3 part b, is Dr Styles office." Both you and Niall thanked the lady and made your way over to the elevator. Getting into Dr style waiting room, 1 person sat waiting, both you and Niall took a seat together on the other side of the room.

Sitting there waiting you nervously grabbed Niall's hand squeezing it as tight as possible, and with your free hand you chewed all the remaining nails off.Sooner then what you expected, a young male with crazy curls and a white coat draped over his shoulders walked out into the waiting room. Face down and reading a clipboard, "Ally Horan?". "Shit!!", you whispered under your breath.

Niall jumped up dragging you into the room behind the Dreaded Dr himself. "Oh well hello Niall, and this must be Ally?", he asked gesturing his hand for you both to take a seat. "Hey Harry, and yes this is Ally". "Nice to meet you Ally, let me guess sister?", you shook your head no slightly giggling. "Girlfriend", you said proudly speaking up for the first time. "Married?", Dr Styles asked raising an eyebrow. You had no idea what to say, but lucky for you Niall jumped in. "Soon to be", he smiled and Dr Styles smiled back, "congratulations".

"Ok well lets get started then", Dr Styles said. Suddenly your palms become sweaty and your mouth went dry. "How can i help you?", you tried speaking but no words would come out. At all. "She has been spewing, had an aching body and a sore throat and cough, for three days straight now." "Hm so i see. Well before i do anything i have to ask a question that only Ally can answer. Are you sexually active and possibly be pregnant?". Totally embarrassed you answered with a yes to first and no to the second.

"okay so thats one thing cleared. ill just have a look in your throat and ear, and then use this stethoscope to check on your breathing. From that i should be able to prescribe you with a antibiotic." Gripping the arms chairs, you opened your mouth and tuck you tongue out just like Dr Style had told you to do. Following the rest of his instructions, you had your ears checked, and then your breathing.

"You did great Ally", both Niall and Dr Styles said after finishing up. "well i can give you the antibiotic, which has to be taken 4 times a day with 1 tablet each time," he said writing out the prescription and handing it to you. "Is that all i can help you with?", "yes thank you". And you both left actually pleased that went well, and didn't result in having to get a needle.

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