Imagine for lolovebuggg- pregnant Harry

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Imagine for lolovebuggg- pregnant Harry

The feeling of sickness filled your stomach once again, making you rush from the bed room to the toilet where you threw your guts up. Harry quickly making his way t your side, where he pulled back your long medium brown hair holding it so no vomit would get in it. "You feeling alright janith?", Harry asked helping you clean up your mouth and the toilet. Nodding your head yes you answered with a quick reply of "the joys of being pregnant", making Harry chuckle.

Mummy what's wrong?", yours and Harry's three year old asked. Popping her head around the corner and watching Harry as he held your hair back whilst you went for round two, vomiting in the toilet. "Mummy's feelings little sick sweet heart", Harry told her shewing her away for a little while. "I think it's time we tell Isabella", you said once again wiping your mouth. "But she's only 3 years old she won't understand it", Harry said washing his hands. "At least she'll get the gist about it", you said walking out of the bathroom and into the lounge room.

"Isabella can you come here please?", you yelled out whilst taking a seat on the lounge with Harry sitting beside you. Pattering of small feet sounded through the halls as Isabella ran to the sound of my voice. "Mummy, mummy, not feel well?", she asked climbing up into Harry's lap where she sat and played with his chin. "Now Issy, you have to listen to mummy very carefully", Harry told her. "Sweet heart, mummy's got another baby inside her tummy, your going to have a little sister", you announced.

Isabella's face scrunched up, "another me?", she asked making both you and Harry laught. "No sweetheart, another baby girl", Harry said. "But I'm baby girl", Isabella said pointing her finger in her stomach. "You will always be our baby, but there's another baby coming", both you and Harry explained to her. Something must have clicked, especially when a sudden rage overtook her. "No I don't wanna have another baby, me wanna be the only baby", she yelled squirming off of Harry's lap and running down the hall to her room, where the door slammed shut. It was going to be harder then you though it would be. "I told you so", Harry smirked before walking off to talk to Isabella.

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