Imagine for ashley_horan14- jealous of Niall's ex

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Her hair, her lips, her smile, her cheekbones, her waistline, her thighs, her fashion sense and her beauty where all the things you could possibly be jealous of when ever you saw her picture or she was mentioned. You possibly didn't know how you could ever live up to your boyfriends ex. She was so beautiful and here you are, chubby, always wears your hair in a pony tale, hardly ever uses makeup and loves to wear comfortable clothes rather then heels and skirts.

"What's on your mind?", Niall asked coming up from behind and stealing a kiss. "Nothing, nothing at all", you lied quickly shutting the laptops top. "Alright then, I'll be in the shower", he said shrugging off what had just happened. Once the coast was clear you opened you laptop back up and returned back to twitter. #ashleyhastobejealous was trending just put of curiosity you clicked on it. Everyone was tweeting pictures of Holly, Niall's ex girlfriend. All the stuff she had, the beauty the fame, the fashion it disappointed you.

Thoughts running wild in your head along with jealousy made you feel like shit, you took to twitter this was the only way you could clear up this mess with these people. ~yes I will admit I am jealous of not being able to have all the things my boyfriends ex does. I don't get to have those lips, that hair and her body, and I shore of hell don't get to have her life/background. I am jealous she's got everything I wished for, whilst i have the most amazing boyfriend in the world. The one thing she should be jealous about!!!~

With your rant over you logged out quickly and shut down the laptop. Frustration filled your head and all you could do was think about all the things Holly has and you don't. "Ashley? Why? Why would yo be jealous of her?", Niall asked coming out of the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around him. The tears started to swell up and you knew what was coming, "look a me Niall, I don't have her hair, I don't have those lips, I'm not beautiful and I don't have a skinny figure. Why wouldn't someone like I be jealous of her? Especially after you went from dating her to now me", you cried into Niall's arms.

"Baby girl, never ever ever should you be jealous of Holly. She was just one big mistake from the begging. She's a fake, nothing about her is real and it's all an act," Niall said comforting you as you cried in his arms. "Promise me you will never get jealous of her again? Your beautiful just the way you are, and I don't love you for your looks, I love you for your personality and who you are." Looking up and straight into his ocean blue eyes you said the words, "I promise". Your lips connected syncing with every more. "Never change for me", Niall said breaking the kiss then including you in the famous Horan hug that any girl would be jealous of.

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