Louis Bsm- you have a limp for sportygal2626

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Your pov- "Limpy Lou, limpy Lou. Welcome to Doncaster limpy Lou!" You was pushed head over heels straight into the mud, where you stayed as your leg was too sore to move after the impact. Tears immediately sprung to your eyes as people walked past giving you glares and weird faces along with the accessional laught, and all you could do was cry. The end of lunch bell rang and everyone immediately vanished from the playground, leaving you there to find a way to get off the playground your self.

it was already 10 minutes into the lesson when you made your way to your class room door and knocked. With a tear streaked face and muddy clothes the door opened. Looking for your twin Louis, youse both locked eyes and you could feel each other hurt. The tears came back and you hopped away from the door, where the teacher stood.

Leaning your small body up against the wall you looked up into the sky, just letting the tears be free. A small warm hand grabbed yours, immediately Turing your head to see Louis. "What's wrong sissy?", he asked whilst looking you dead in your cold blue eyes you both shared. Opening your mouth your voiced cracked and stuttered out "at lunch des two boys, called me names and pushed me in the mud. Just cause the way I walkey", you cried into Louis shoulder.

You see when you was 2 years younger (5 years old) you had problems walking and it hurt a lot to bend at the hips/run and opened your legs. Your mum had taken you to the doctors and after 2 months of X-rays, exams and multiple doctor they had discovered you had a common problem which accrued in children/teens purfays (not spelt right). So in simpler form a chalky hip or as older people may have where they need a hip replacement. It was something you couldn't help, and it always gave you restrictions.

"If you saw these boys again would you tell me?", Louis asked as he helped you off the ground and youse walked hand in hand back to class. Youse both sat in your shared desk and almost immediately you spotted the two boys at the left side of the class who sat there laughing and pointing at you. You didn't want to tell Louis as he was learning but some how he worked it out and then the 7 year old boy snapped.

He marched over towards the two boys and stood right in front of them. With his sassy ness he went off and even threw a couple of punches. The teacher ordered Louis to get out of the class room and you closely followed with both yours and his bags. "Never mess with me or Louis again", you said loudly whilst flipping them the finger and limping out of class.

Later that day Louis got suspended for a whole week even though it was his first day at a new school. You didn't go to school either until Louis went back. And lets just say those two boys never bothered you again.

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